Towards a Shared Environmental Information System for Europe SEIS Chris Steenmans Head of Group Data Access and Management
Outline 1.Why SEIS? 2.Concept and principles 3.Implementation strategy
1.Why SEIS? 2.Concept and principles 3.Implementation strategy
Towards sharing environmental information... Directive INSPIRE, 2007 Time Directive on Public Access to Environmental Information, 2003 Directiveon Reuse of PublicSector Information, th Community Environment Action Programme, 2002 Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, 1998 DeclarationoftheUN StockholmConference ontheHumanEnvironment,1972 Standardized Environmental Reporting Directive, 1991 SEIS ? Establishment EEA and Eionet Council Regulation, 1990 GMES Action Plan, 2004
Drivers of SEIS i.Content ii.Streamlining iii.Access Directive INSPIRE, 2007 Directive on Public Access to Environmental Information, 2003 Directiveon Reuse of PublicSector Information, th Community Environment Action Programme, Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, 1998 Standardized Environmental Reporting Directive, 1991 SEIS Global Monitoring for Environment and Security Action Plan Establishment EEA and Eionet Council Regulation, 1990
Need for integrated information Need for integrated information Priorities 6th EAP Climate change Nature and biodiversity Environment and health Natural resources and waste
Increasing requests from public for data and information Source: : EEA Information Centre, 2007
Reporting obligations per country Source: Reporting Obligations Database, EEA 2004
Benchmarking countries Projections of greenhouse gas emissions and removals Source: : EEA Core Set of Indicators, 2007
Europe in a global perspective AIR Pollutant emissions in West and Central Europe (WCE) falling but still significant. Emissions in Eastern European Countries and Central Asia (EECCA) up by 10% or more Source:Euope’s Environment,EEA 2007
Time lags in State of the Environment and indicator reports Source: : Rosenström et al., 2006 Time lag in years between monitoring and reporting
Real Time Data for Real Time Decision making ( RTD 2 ) availablemissingfuture outlook year present Scenario A Baseline scenario Scenario B Present Dataflow
EIONET priority data flows Source: EEA 2007
Reporting Performance EEA Priority Data Flows
Improve availability and quality of information needed to design and implement Community environment policy Reduce administrative burden on Member States and EU institutions & modernise reporting Foster the development of information services and applications that all of us can use and profit from. Scope of SEIS
1.Why SEIS? 2.Concept and principles 3.Implementation strategy
Definition SEIS is a collaborative initiative of European and National bodies to establish an integrated and sustained information system for sharing environmental data. A system where the public authorities are the providers but also the main end-users and beneficiaries (Go4, 2007)
SEIS Principles information should be managed as close as possible to its source information is provided once and shared with others for many purposes data and information should be readily accessible information should be made available to the public after due consideration of the appropriate level of aggregation, given possible confidentiality constraints, and at national level in the national language(s)
Data and information services ICT infrastructure, Inspire,... SEIS components emvironmental data centres Data and Information Air Land use Chemicals Climate Change Biodiversity SoilForests WasteWater Natrual resources...
1.Why SEIS? 2.Concept and principles 3.Implementation strategy
Ozone Web
Near real time ozone monitoring
Emissions data Emissions data User Internet (Geonetwork Inspire) Internet (Geonetwork Inspire) EEA information services EEA information services EIONET Data from other Directives Data from other Directives Basic Reference data Basic Reference data Internat. Conventions Internat. Conventions National Data centres National Data centres Internet (Inspire) Internet (Inspire) Sub-national Data centres Sub-national Data centres GMES WISE – Water Information System for Europe
EEA One European Website From data sharing… InvestmentReturn Germany France UK
EEA From data sharing… Germany France UK One European Website web service
Germany Potential 408,000 web pages Potential 800,000 web pages Potential 362,000 web pages EEA... to sharing information services InvestmentReturn France UK web service One European Website
Questions Can Estonian’s environmental information system fit into the vision of SEIS? What can we learn from the national experience? Do you have specific user requirements towards SEIS? Are you willing to contribute to the stepwise implementation of SEIS?
Country performance improvements Priority Data Flows Target for % reporting performance. Reportnet enhancements Further develop Reportnet Indicator Management System (IMS+) Create and agree on a common European information base for country benchmarking EEA SEIS Implementation plan 2008 (3 projects on Streamlining)
Land-water-biodiversity integrated assessment Integrated assessment inputs for the EEA SOER2010 report Ozone web extension Demonstrate the possibilities to use the system for monthly summer ozone exceedance reporting, Consolidate the near real-time ozone data to full coverage and Extend the system to particulate matter Indicators and assessments greenhouse gas emissions To get access to knowledge from national assessments, to improve SOER2010 reporting. EEA SEIS Implementation plan 2008 (8 projects on Content) (1/2)
Air quality data service Integrate the future CAFÉ Directive data flows into the EEA air data service. Effectiveness of waste policies Create a SEIS compliant reporting system for information that is of another kind. SEIS country visits EEA SEIS Signals A first report in November 2008 Water assessments – Nitrate To get access to knowledge from national water assessments of nutrients - Nitrate EEA SEIS Implementation plan 2008 (8 projects on Content) (2/2)
SERIS upgrade Improve access to national information on State of the Environment Land cover data service Web service established by end 2008 Greenhouse gas data service GHG emission data for the actual year -1 WISE data service Provide information services within WISE, enriching the current bathing water information Linking SEIS, INSPIRE, GMES New EU initiatives dealing with accessing and sharing of data EEA SEIS Implementation plan 2008 (5 projects on Access)