31 th August – 4 th September, 2015 Closing Ceremony
CLOSING REMARKS President of CIPA Andreas Georgopoulos
BEST PAPER AWARDS Towards Image Documentation of Grave Coverings and Epitaphs for Exhibition Purposes G. Pomaska,N. Dementiev 4D Visualization of Painted Sculpture and Murals M.Y. Ai,H. Tong,L. Shen,R.X. Wang,F. Zhang,Z.C. Zhang,Q.W. Hu,Y.X. Zhu,H. Zhang Combining Digital Archives Content with Serious Game Approach to Create a Gamified Learning Experience D.-T. Shih, C.L. Lin, and C.-Y. Tseng
BEST POSTER PAPER AWARDS Documentation, using GIS techniques in conservation of a World Heritage Site, a case study of "The Old City of Jerusalem“ B. Husseini,Z. Bali Monitoring Mechanism in Preservation of Monuments in Hot and Wet Climate Area M.C. Lee, Y.L. Tsai, M.L. Lin, L.W. Hang, and C.Y. Chen Methodology of high-resolution photography for mural condition database R. Higuchi, T. Suzuki, M. Shibata, and Y. Taniguchi
THID 2016
CIPA2017, Ottawa
Participants Full Registration Daily Registration Special guests Sponsors Organizing team Total, +more
31 Countries
SYMPOSIUM REPORTS 104 Oral Presentation 52 Poster Papers 7 Workshops and Tutorial
News Reports
First CIPA 3x3 Rules in Chinese Edition
VOLUNTEERS Thank for your participation! SEE YOU ALL IN 2017