Title Block Kentucky Hospital Engagement Network and Other Quality Initiatives at KHA Progress Toward the 40/20 Goal Donna R. Meador, K-HEN Project Director
HEN Framework CMS Partnership for Patients Hospital Engagement Network Program (HEN) HRET (AHA) K-HEN 79 hospitals 32 Other State Hospital Associations 25 other HENS
HEN Goals 40% reduction in hospital-acquired harm, 20% reduction in preventable readmissions “Triple Aim”– 1) improving the health of populations, 2) reducing per capita costs of care, and 3) improving the patient experience All hospitals participate in these efforts
K-HEN Framework 4 PatientSafetyCulture STAY FIT CLABSI CAUTI SSI VAP PIVOT VTE Pressure Ulcers Falls OB HARM *Early Elective Deliveries GO RED Readmissions ADE
K-HEN Services Benchmarking Coaching Calls Best Practices Education and Resources Technical Assistance Patient Safety Culture Education and Resources (e.g. video’s, lecture modules) Presentations to teams, boards, medical staff, other groups Reports, including CEO Dashboard Quality & Patient Safety Library 5
Early Elective Deliveries 6
Falls 7
Pressure Ulcers 8
Now in 3 rd /”Option Year” Received approval for “optional” 3 rd year of CMS funding Option Year participation required signing of another Commitment Letter by hospital CEO Hospitals commit to submitting data on all 11 (initial 10 + “Other OB Harm”)topics as applicable to their hospital ADE topic - data to be submitted on anticoagulation management, opioid safety, and glycemic management Process and Outcome measure data to be submitted 9
Option Year continued Work plan tailored to feedback provided by hospitals through day-to-day discussions, meetings, site visit, and surveys Changes include frequency of coaching calls – some monthly, some bi-monthly; 2014 KHA Quality Conference 3/18 with K-HEN Showcase on 3/19 Will continue hospital site visits, TeamSTEPPS workshops, regional meetings; HRET will continue to provide resources and support on a national level LEAPT option for QI work and education – severe sepsis, C-diff, Iatrogenic delirium, procedural harm, hospital-acquired ARF, airway safety, undue rad. exp. 10
Continued KHA Quality Work Strategies Patient Safety Work ranked 5 th priority by KHA Strategic Planning Committee Seeking funding opportunities to continue QI work –Wellpoint grant awarded in Feb. 2014: “Improving Safety for Mom and Baby” focusing on EED, Breastfeeding, OB Hemorrhage, Pitocin management, NCABSI Create small rural benchmarking program through Flex Grant 11
Favorite Quotes and Thoughts.. Being a success in life is just like photography. Just focus on what’s important, develop from the negatives, and if things don’t work out, take another shot. If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you always get. Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of achieving great success in things that don’t matter. – Frances Chan "Knowledge rests not upon truth alone, but upon error also.“ — Carl Jung 12
There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” - Colin Powell Patients suffer if we refuse to learn from others. Make your brain a global brain. --Don Berwick Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. ~ Robert Collier If a project fails, is it a failure of will, ideas, or execution? 13
“Change is not about the new thing you want to do; it’s about the old thing you’re holding onto.” - Kegan and Lahey Questions? 14