Exploring the Rainforest Florida Museum of Natural History A Quick Peek About Your Upcoming Field Trip
Follow the steps on my guide for locating your Rainforest Treasures!
Directions: Partners take turns sharing pencils and data recording sheets Use empirical senses to locate items Keep voices and hands at controlled levels while in the museum Make observations you can remember to write about later
Let’s Preserve Our Planet What do all living things need to survive on planet earth? What Eco systems support life on earth? Can you see examples of Air, Water, Food, Shelter, Climate Consistency and Reproduction Ability in the Rainforest? Can you locate the continents where rainforest climates exist?
Make sure you take the time to learn as much as possible while on your hunt. The Museum allows us to experience real places studied in school. The Americas have land with climates to support Rainforest South America and Central America have large areas of Rainforest Florida Central America Mexico South America North America Brazil
Look for these details! Use the many display features in the museum on your hunt for Rainforest treasures. Look for all animal groups: fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds, insects, and mammals. Be aware of the how animals and plants depend upon each other. Examine each plant location in the soil and its parts: leaf shapes, colors, size, veins, flowers, pollen, stems, pistol, stamen, and brackets. Observe how the butterflies interact with the plants.
Read Display Boards to Help in Your Hunt
Butterfly pollination is responsible for the Rainforest ability to produce food for the many animals who live there. Life cycles of different species depend upon plants nectar and host plants to live The main purpose of butterflies is to pollinate and continue reproducing their cycle Climate control is vital for these insects to continue living
Fruits Grow in the Real Rainforest Some Species Need Fruit Feeders to Live Many butterflies use camouflage to survive. Tell some ways nature helps them to hide from prey.
Amphibians play a big part in the Rainforest ecosystems
Many species of frogs live in the Amazon. They are very colorful and have plenty of food! What do you know about amphibians? What do you want to learn about them?
Plants in the Rainforest provide butterflies with shelter, protection, nectar, food and pollen. Each plant serves as a host or nectar for different butterflies! Drip leaves keep the plants healthy
Some Plants Can Digest Insects! The museum has models of plants from the Rainforest Estimate how many kinds of leaves you think you will see in the Butterfly Rainforest
Many More Birds Live in the Real Rainforest than the Museum Butterfly Garden What kind of birds are allowed in the Museum Rainforest? Why aren’t other birds Living there?
Water is a Precious Resource of the Rainforest You will need to look for fish. See if you can locate some reptiles.
The Museum has Experts to Answer Your Questions. Listen and Learn from Them. We are the mammals in the butterfly habitat. Use only your eyes to learn about their world!
Enjoy Your Visit!