Welcome to Mrs. Khanijoun’s Third Grade Classroom! “Faith, Knowledge, Service”
Who is …? Mrs. Khanijoun HTS ’96; Visitation 2000 Miami University 2004 Masters in Elementary Education, 2010 Ms. Scarff -Visitation 2006 -JMU ‘10 Third year at HTS
Third Grade Team Mrs. Seaton -teaches 3rd and 4th Language Arts -15th year at HTS -George Mason University –BA and Masters Ms. Phoenix -teaches 3rd, 4th Math -3 years teaching experience -Quinnipiac University ‘10
Our Philosophy/Goals Classroom : Caring, Safe, Joyful, Challenging place where we can share ideas, faith and talents with encouragement and without fear Establish meaningful and respectful relationships Students will learn responsibility and accountability Students will take pride in their work
Classroom Expectations Follow directions quickly Raise your hand to speak Be a good listener to others Show respect using kind words and actions Be ready to learn
Classroom Tour Attendance Student Spotlight Turn in Shelf Prayer Corner Classroom Library Morning Meeting
Discipline: School-Wide Shift: Positive Reinforcement In line with Responsive Classroom which is a philosophy where: There is a safe, challenging, joyful learning environment Students feel respected successful and share a sense of belonging All staff and families teach, model and reinforce expected behaviors
What Does it Look Like? Model Expected Behavior Reinforce Correct Behavior Remind Redirect Consequence: Loss of privilege Take a Break “You break it, You fix it” Think Sheet
Homework! (30-45 minutes) Homework is assigned daily in Language Arts and Math. Homework is assigned weekly in Religion, Spanish and Science/Social Studies. Students are responsible for copying their homework in their Homework Planner each day (and USING the planner at home) Homework is also posted on HTS website daily
Missing/Late Homework Homework Log, Missing HW Notice Must be made up/teacher initials log If students are absent, we collect work and take notes on what they missed in class. Work should be turned in over the next couple of days.
How Can You Help With Homework? Encourage child to create a homework “space” 3rd Grader – complete independently HW is a reinforcement of a skill If child does not understand, review directions “Teaching moment”- Take it! HW is an assessment, not for a “grade” Send an email if there is a lot of difficulty We want to see effort/responsibility
Language Arts: Readers and Writers Reading: Independent (Just Right) chapter book, Houghton Mifflin Anthology-Shared Reading, Read Aloud, Reader’s Notebook (section in binder), *helpful websites* Writing : Writer’s Notebook, 6+1 Trait Writing (VOICES) Writing Process, Cursive Spelling : Routine, Pattern Words and High Frequency Words, Spelling Folder, Weekly Test Grammar: DLR and Mini lessons Book Project: The Courage of Sarah Noble
Helpful Reading Websites A Book and a Hug http://www.abookandahug.com/ Read Kiddo Read http://readkiddoread.com/ Guys Read http://guysread.com/
Math Concepts Covered Class split in half, Methods Homework daily Suggested daily math facts practice Concept Reviews Concepts covered: Place value, problem solving Number sense, +, -, x, / measurement, geometry, time, money, graphs, calendars, rounding
Social Studies/Science Map Skills/ Geography Communities/Early Settlements Branches of Government National Symbols Economics Plants Animals Simple Machines Oceans- (Project) Solar System
Religion Ignatian Prayers/Teachings “Bit of Gratitude” Examen Gospel Readings Topics: Trinity, Parts of the Mass, Stations of the Cross Plan two school masses
Things to look forward to! Third Grade Open House Field Trips Colonial Focus National Museum of Natural History Art Trip/Music Field Trip Discovery Theater or Lisner Theater Ocean Animal Project Solar System Play
Odds and Ends “Morning Work” Uniforms Birthdays “While You Were Out” Ways You Can be Involved Mystery Reader McKenna Sandwiches Chaperones Class Parties Open House Grace Art
Contact Me! Kdkhanijoun@htsdc.org OR kkhanijoun@htsdc.org 202-352-6079 (cell)