Thirty Year’s War Maria Theresa Frederick the Great Seven Years War
Rulers in Central Europe never became Absolute monarchs Holy Roman Empire had a single emperor Covered most of Central Europe › Empire had dozens of small states › Each with own ruler
1450’s All Holy Roman Emperors came from the Hapsburg family 1600’s Hapsburg emperor caused the Thirty Years War Alliances cause it to be a continent wide affair
Religious dispute in 1618 Two Protestant churches were ordered to shut down Protestants threw the emperor’s representatives out the palace window They were unhurt
Emperor’s attempt to control religion sparked revolt Nobles in Bavaria and Austria rebelled Joined by other rulers Monarch in Spain were members of the Hapsburg joined Ferdinand’s side
During the first 12 years Hapsburg armies crushed troops of Protestant princes Put down Czech uprising Defeated German Protestants Army destroyed everything in its path
Gustavus of Sweden shifted the tide Drove Hapsburg out of northern Germany Cardinal Richelieu and Mazarin dominated remaining years of the war Did not want European leaders to have as much power as French King
France, Spain’s rival joined the Protestant side Denmark and Sweden Also on Protestant side War lasted till 1648 7 million Germans died Trade and agriculture ruined Disease and starvation
Treaty of Westphalia ended the war Weakened the Hapsburg family Strengthened France by awarding German territory Ended religious wars in Europe Introduced new method of negotiations to settle wars
Serfs in western Europe slowly won their freedom Joined middle class townspeople Central Europe imposed laws restricting serfs from gaining freedom Wanted serfs to produce large harvests
Landowning nobles blocked development of strong kings No strong ruler to unify the state Ottoman empire weakened Holy Roman Empire weakened from 30 Year’s War
Austria governed by the Hapsburg family Prussia’s rulers came from Hohenzollerns 1740 Charles V died without an heir (HRE) Wrote the Pragmatic Sanction-empire could be passed to a female
Maria Theresa was his daughter seemed she would take the throne Hohenzollerans had different ideas Frederick the Great seized Austria Province of Silesia Offered Maria Theresa an alliance
Would help her husband become Holy Roman Emperor Maria Theresa turned him down War of Austrian succession broke out
Spain, France and two German states entered on Prussia’ side Each hoped to gain territory Maria Theresa asked for peace Prussia kept Silesia launching it to position of power
When he and a friend were caught stealing Frederick I made his son watch his friends beheading Frederick II › Religious tolerance › Legal reform › Ruler should be a father to his people
Prussia’s victory intensified rivalry with Austria and Hungary 1756 Seven Year’s War Prussia ruled by Frederick and Great Britain on one side Austria, France, Russia on the other
Fighting also occurred in North America and India Prussia was on verge of defeat Austrian and Russia forces occupied the capitol
Russia pulled out of the war Prussia regained strength Prussia became the strongest military in Europe Frederick pushed opponent out of Prussia
1756 Every great European power was at war Fought in Europe, India and north America Did not change territory in Europe France lost its colonies in North America