Charles V ( ), Holy Roman Emperor declared in 1555 that each of the 224 German states could choose their religion (Catholic or Protestant). /history/europe/1600/i ndex.html /history/europe/1600/i ndex.html This step would basically erode the power of the Emperor.
In the Holy Roman Empire, there were seven men who elected the Emperor. They were: The Archbishop of Mainz The Archbishop of Trier The Archbishop of Cologne The King of Bohemia Count Palatine of the Rhine Duke of Saxony Margrave of Brandenburg
, House of Hapsburg Recognized in 1618 as King of Bohemia, but then later deposed out of fear that he would break the peace of Augsburg. Replaced with Frederick V, Count Palatine, in This was primarily the reason why the Thirty Years war began.
Ferdinand II sought an Alliance with the Catholic League and Maximillian I to reclaim Bohemia. As Frederick V was Protestant, this became a war of religion, although it’s main focus was on restoring Ferdinand II to the throne of Bohemia. Ferdinand II was Elected Holy Roman Emperor in Ferdinand and Maximillian defeated, in 1625, Frederick giving the control of Bohemia back to Ferdinand. Frederick flees to the Netherlands.
Christian IV of Denmark saw an opportunity to expand his kingdom in Northern Germany. He, also using religion, supported the Protestants against Ferdinand II in Ferdinand combined his forces with those of Albrecht Von Wallenstein to defeat Christian the IV and secure all of Germany.
Gustuvus Aldophus, King of Sweden, sought to intervene on behalf of the German Princes. Again, although this was labeled a war of religion, Sweden had strategic aims focused on weakening it’s arch enemy Poland. In addition, Catholic France, which was predominantly being run by Cardinal Richelieu, was supporting Lutheran Sweden with money and troops to offset the power of the Hapsburgs, and Ferdinand II. Ultimately, Sweden becomes the dominant power in Northern Europe
German princes were no longer allowed to make alliances with other Nations. Bavaria, Bohemia and Austria would combine their forces to make up the “Imperial Army) The Holy Roman Empire pushes Sweden out of Germany
Threatened by the size and power of the Holy Roman Empire, France gets directly involved in the War in Alliance with Sweden. France declared war on Spain as well. Ferdinand II dies, and is succeeded by his son Ferdinand III France defeats Spain at both Aras and Flanders, supports Portuguese uprising.
The Treaty of Westphalia marks the beginning of Modern European Political Power New nations are created, like Switzerland, and power shifts from the Church, to the State. France comes out ahead.