PEACE OF AUGSBURG By: Caroline Chan, Evelyn Shats, Jeein Youn
THE PEACE OF AUGSBURG Also called the “Augsburg Settlement” A treaty between the Catholics and the Lutherans Specifically between Charles V and the Schmalkaldic League The Schmalkaldic League was an alliance of Lutheran Princes
THE PEACE OF AUGSBURG (CONT.) Stated that each individual prince can choose the religion of his area Was a political settlement about the split of Christianity between the two beliefs First permanent legal basis for the existence of Lutheranism and Catholicism in Germany It was published and made known on September 25, 1555 by the Diet of the Holy Roman Empire Lutheranism was finally formally recognized
THE PEACE OF AUGSBURG ASSEMBLY The prince or the king of each state selected either Catholicism or Lutheranism as their official religion of their land Catholic bishops had to give up their property if they turned Lutheran Anyone who was not satisfied, were given a period of time to be free emigrate to a new region Anyone who was not satisfied, were given a period of time to be free emigrate to a new region Weakened the authority of the Holy Roman Emperors Weakened Germany’s ability to unite as a nation
CHARLES V Holy Roman Emperor King of Spain He wanted to work out religious differences under the general council of the Catholic Church Was against the treaty The one to proclaim the Diet that opened in Augsburg on February 1555
SCHMALKALDIC LEAGUE Alliance of Lutheran Princes Alliance of Lutheran Princes The Princes converted to Lutheranism, and they convinced Charles V to allow each Prince to choose between the two faiths for his own land The Princes converted to Lutheranism, and they convinced Charles V to allow each Prince to choose between the two faiths for his own land Two of the most powerful Protestant rulers of the time were members of this league Two of the most powerful Protestant rulers of the time were members of this league They were Philip I and John Frederick I They were Philip I and John Frederick I
RELIGIOUS DISUNITY IN EUROPE It resulted from the fighting between Protestant and Catholic forces It finalized the division in Christendom between Protestantism and Catholicism Rulers could determine the religion of the lands they governed Possible for Europe to be split between Protestantism and Catholicism without continuing struggle or conflict People could migrate to areas which supported their faith, so the division between religions could be kept peacefully, but the division would remain permanent.
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