Apuleius’ Golden Ass Desire and its Discontents 2
Values in the Golden Ass… What is non-normative in Apuleius’ novel? And is there something like a “Satan”?
Discussion non-normative relations between humans and animals bestiality issue of cowardice strong powerful women demonized troupe of queens feminine greedy and dishonest 2 sisters normative marriage values Satan was there a single Satan? Satanic things… (so there is a value system) Venus satan is in the desires curiosity is “satanic” or evilish teratogenic grid monstrous non-nomativity satan figure is fortune no real pure source of eveil Golden Ass 23
A gladiator fights his own phallus. (1st-cent. CE Wind-chime from Pompeii)
Agenda Recap and Update Plato’s Symposium Revisited? Sexual Universality? The Priests of the Syrian Goddess Golden Ass 25
Recap and Update Plato’s Symposium Revisited?
Story Arc Lucius curiosus wants to see magic Meroe watches, turns into an ass Lucius asinus abusive treatment, fortune comes to the fore Lucius initiatus … Golden Ass 27
Plato’s Symposium Redux Pausanias’ Speech “Vulgar” erōs for… same/mixed-gender sexual pleasure “Heavenly” erōs for... Male-male friendship (with benefits) Socrates’/Diotima’s Speech Physical erōs to… procreate bodies Philosophical erōs to... procreate ideas “the beauties of the body are as nothing to the beauties of the soul (psukhē)” (p. 562) Golden Ass 28
Greek ~ Latin Equivalencies Greek Aphrodite Eros psukhē Apuleius’ Latin Venus Cupid Psyche Golden Ass 29
Psyche Narrative-Thematic Arcs temptation, transformation Slavery, sexual performance, humiliation restoration, conversion marriage, temptation trials, slavery reunion, reconciliation, apotheosis Lucius Psyche
Non-Platonic Elements? Wayward desire, passions as “monster” “Monster” tamed as marriage Marriage as Roman Lex iulia (de adulteriis coercendis) Marriage by manus (male domination) Daughter Voluptas (“Pleasure”)? Golden Ass 211
Sexual Universality? The Priests of the Syrian Goddess
Are They “Gay”? (What is Salient?) “… he [Philebus] was a real old queen (cinaedum)” (pp. 141) “ ‘Look, girls (puellae), at the pretty slave [Lucius] I’ve bought.’ [… the others] saying that this wasn’t a servant... but a husband (non enim seruum, sed maritum) for himself ” (p. 143) “… these effeminates (semiviris illis)...” (p. 144) Dea Syria
Galli (priests of Dea Syria) Mendicant Eunuch Transvestite Gallus Atargatis (Syrian Goddess) Golden Ass 214
Discussion Golden Ass 215