REVISION 1. When revising, assume that your reader is unconvinced. Each claim or statement must be confirmed with additional detail. For example: I am a highly qualified candidate because I have leadership skills. * What should follow this topic sentence?
REVISION 2. A strong easy to follow format will help your reader follow your argument and understand why you are explaining certain aspects of your life. Example: When I worked at the writing center, I had a lot of different opportunities. Once, I helped a student with special needs and many students were English Language Learners. * What additional information is needed so the reader understands the relevance of the material.
ACTIVITY: REVISE THIS LETTER To Whom it May Concern, I am applying for the position at Amazon. I have recently graduated high school and would like to make some money before beginning college this fall. I have shown leadership skills, a good work ethic, and good communication skills. I hope you would consider me for the position. Thank you, Random high school student INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Revise the letter. 2. Introduce yourself. 3. Explain how you have leadership skills, a good work ethic, and a good communication skills. Show how you have illustrated these qualities. 4. Feel free to make this revision fictional for this activity.