The Art of Interviewing TV/Media
The Art of Interviewing 1.Your ability to talk to people is the difference between being a mediocre reporter and a good one.
The Art of Interviewing 2. Preparation allows you to ask good questions and signals your subject that you are not to be dismissed lightly.
The Art of Interviewing 3. What is the tentative theme for your story and how will this interview fit that theme?
The Art of Interviewing 4. Prepare a list of questions.
The Art of Interviewing 5. Use both open-ended and close-ended question.
The Art of Interviewing 6. Think of your meeting with the subject as a structured but friendly conversation, not an interview.
The Art of Interviewing 7. Try to establish a rapport with the person early on.
The Art of Interviewing 8. Focus on what the source is saying, not on what you will ask next. Your next question will be better if you heard the answer to the last one. Listen critically.
The Art of Interviewing 9. Don't interrupt, don't ask long questions, don't talk too much. You're there to hear opinions, not offer them.
The Art of Interviewing 10. When the source is speaking, nod or make some verbal remark to show you are listening and understand.
Lets Review 1. Be Personable 2. Be Prepared 3. Have A Tentative Theme 4. Prepare a List of Questions 5. Use both Open-Ended and Close-Ended Question 6. Structured Friendly Conversation 7. Establish a Rapport with the Person Early On 8. Focus on What’s Being Said 9. You're There to Hear Opinions, Not Offer Them. 10. Show that you are Listening and Understand.
For more information on The Art of Interviewing visit the following website: jeh/BeginningReporting/Prewriting/interviewing1.htm
Citation Information for this lesson was summarized from a Web site created by Jim Hall for beginning reporters, those studying the craft and their teachers. jeh/BeginningReporting/Introduction/home.htmhttp:// jeh/BeginningReporting/Introduction/home.htm Jim Hall Fredericksburg, Va. All images and songs were obtained from the Microsoft Clip Art Gallery