Index Card SIDE ONE (the one with no lines) Draw a symbol that symbolizes you EX: SIDE TWO Your name Your birthday Language your parents speak (if English and another language put both languages) Home phone number or parents’ cell phone Your email address: CPI (check marks for computer, printer, internet)
Introduction Letter Topics to guide your writing: Write a letter introducing yourself to me. Begin with Dear Mr. Engstrand, Write neatly and legibly (clearly) Half a page minimum, one page maximum Topics to guide your writing: activities/hobbies you enjoy your academic history (how you perform in school) your behavioral history what teachers do that you enjoy what teachers do that you do not enjoy how you’re feeling right now how your friends would describe you how your family would describe you anything else you think I should know about you…
“What I like to read” paragraph Write a topic sentence: Ex: I really enjoy reading my email. Write three to five sentences explaining why you like to read this. Write a concluding sentence: Ex: Email is definitely my favorite reading material.