Fireside Chats with FDR
Fireside Chats What was a fireside chat? –On thirty-one occasions during his presidency, Franklin Delano Roosevelt went on the radio to talk things over with the people of the United States. –Families would gather around their fireplace and radio to hear the president address the nation on key topics such as the war, the depression, and other key policies. resid=32http:// resid=32
Your mission… Get into a group of 2 or 3 Pretend you are FDR and must address the American public on one of the following: –Announcement of a new New Deal Program –Address of the nations current economic status –A letter introducing yourself, FDR, as the new president of the United States
Next… Research your topic and identify your key talking points Get your assigned laptop computer from the cart Create a written narrative or notes Open up the program “Garage Band” Record a 1-2 minute fireside chat on your selected topic Save via flashdrive and give to me!