WAOL Advisory Group Monday, July 26, 2010
Title Here Agenda: Elluminate Check-in Tegrity –Kick-off meeting August 26, SB Olympia –Pam Smith, Tegrity ANGEL Check-in –LMS Summit, August 9, SB Olympia –Bb World –LOR Work group update –Default instructions for Drop Box –Premium Support Code Reminder –Storage issues—backups and archives Next meeting—replaced by LMS Summit on August 9
Title Here Tegrity Kick-off meeting August 26 –SB Olympia –For Tegrity administrators –Creating college accounts and starting to integrate with college LMSs –Introducing Pam Smith, Sr. Director, Client Services, Tegrity
Title Here LMS Summit, Monday, August 9 –SB Olympia and Elluminate –Short- and long-term planning –Everyone welcome –Register here:
Title Here Bb World Known issues list available for 7.4 (7.3 coming soon) End-of-life extension for ANGEL 7.4 to October 2014 Mobile Learn for ANGEL by end of 2010 ANGEL 8.0 planned timeline and enhancements— mid-year 2011 Project NG pricing for ANGEL clients will be consistent with historical ANGEL pricing Migration path to Project NG from both ANGEL 7.4 and ANGEL 8.0
Title Here WAOL ANGEL LOR Work Group Update Lesley Ann Wallace
Title Here Default Instructions on Drop Box By default, in ANGEL all drop boxes have a directions field that the instructor can populate directions specific to the assignment The Drop Box also has the following default directions: Instructions: Enter or paste your written work and/or click "Attachments" to upload your files. Some instructors do not want their students to enter or paste written work into the small message window Proposal: Remove the potentially confusing default sentence, so instructors can set the assignment directions as they see fit.
Title Here Premium Support Code All college domain admins got the code when moved to Behind the Bb support portal. Remember it is only for System Down. It means they pull out the stops and call people from home, etc.
Title Here WAOL ANGEL Storage WAOL ANGEL is over storage limit and faces potentially $70,000 in additional costs this year. If you use WAOL ANGEL, we need your business plan, and your work in cleaning up old classrooms. Export Folder on FTP site will only keep 1 month worth of export files Backups Folder will keep files for 2 months Feedback: How do we handle domains that do not back up and archive?
Title Here Take Aways: Admins to attend Tegrity Kick-off Aug 26 Get rid of old stuff Get business plans to Mark Changes to FTP file storage retention Beware of course cartridges LMS Summit Aug 6 will replace this meeting LOR group making progress ELC meeting in Walla Walla Aug 5-6 ANGEL training Walla Walla Aug 4
August 23, 2010, 11:00 to noon on Elluminate (August 9 meeting will be replaced by the LMS Summit) recordings and information on this web site: Please forward invitations to others on your campus who might be interested. Next meeting