Setting the Tone: Journal Writing You have been asked to cover a story at LMS. What will you write about? Make sure you include details about the story and you have included the who, did what, when, where, and why. Make the coverage interesting and fun to read.
Purpose What are you learning? The parts of a newspaper article Why are you learning this? To understand how writing can be used for academic and workplace activities.
Grammar Independent/Dependent Clause Streamline Video Untamed World of English Punctuation, The, Module 2: Commas and Colons
Most newspapers are 40% news and 60% ads. Crafting the Lesson The first newspaper was published September 25, 1690. It was four pages long and 6” x 9 ½” Three of the four pages were used for news. One page was left blank for the reader to do with it whatever they pleased. The newspaper contained gossip about the king, so after only four days of being published, he suppressed the issue. No more newspapers were published until fourteen years later. Most newspapers are 40% news and 60% ads.
Composing Meaning (me) (we) What are the different parts of a newspaper article? Flag: title of the newspaper Ear: Information placed on either side of the front page Headline: Runs across the width of the front page Cut: A picture Cutline: Few lines about the picture Dateline: location of story; usually in bold print. Lead: First few lines Index: Alphabetical list of each section of the paper Lead Story: Explains the headline, most important story on the front page By-line: Name of the reporter Jump Line: tells the page on which the story is continued Wire Service: News services which supply the news, (A.P.), (UPI), New York Times
Composing Meaning (Two) Get into triads, groups of three. One person will be the referee, and the other two people will be the contestants. You will play “Ant News”. Each group will be given a board, two ant pawns, and one die. You will take turns rolling the die, you can not advance past a square unless you can correctly define the newspaper term in that square. The first person to reach the ant picnic wins the game.
Composing Meaning (You) You will be given the front page of “The Sun News”. Using the article titled “Carey takes first trophies since 1990; West wins 3” locate and write down the following information: Title of the article Cut (is there a picture with the article yes or no) Cutline Dateline Lead By-line Jump Line Wire Service
Reflection Name three parts of a newspaper article.