Real Estate Marketing and Sales Essentials Steps for Success Dan Hamilton
Marketing & Advertising Introduction:
Marketing & Advertising Personal Marketing Strategies A marketing strategy is your overall marketing direction.
Marketing & Advertising Personal Marketing Plan The marketing plan should organize your marketing strategy.
Marketing & Advertising Name Recognition versus Prospect Generating Name recognition is the type of advertising that gets people to know your name and what you do. Prospect generating advertising is meant to make the telephone ring.
Marketing & Advertising Every classified ad should carry the reader through four selling steps. These steps are Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action, or AIDA: 1.ATTRACT ATTENTION. You need to catch the prospects’ attention with the first few words 2.AROUSE INTEREST. Use the interest stage to pull him or her in for further reading. 3.CREATE DESIRE. This stage creates the desire to have the property. 4.CALL FOR ACTION. To get the sale, you must ask for the sale.
Marketing & Advertising The following is a checklist for writing the ad: 1.Organize all the facts from the viewpoint of the reader. 2.Appeal to emotions. 3.Keep It Simple and Short (KISS). 4.Use meaningful words that stir emotion. 5.Inspire confidence. 6.Avoid clichés and overused words. 7.Sellers buy people and buyers buy houses. 8.Differentiate your marketing. 9.A majority of buyers shop price first, then area, and then physical attributes of the property. 10.Describe the most saleable feature in the headline. 11.Stick to the truth. Misleading advertising is illegal and unethical. 12.Finish with a call to action. 13.Keep slogans at seven words or less. 14.An average person retains 1 percent of what he or she sees each day.
Marketing & Advertising Fair Housing Law Guidelines When running an advertisement for real estate, the salesperson must be sure not to indicate any preference to a group of people based on their race, color, or national origin.
Marketing & Advertising Ads that Comply with REG Z The Truth-in-Lending Act (REG Z) was enacted in 1969 to “assure the meaningful disclosure of credit terms so that the consumer will be able to compare more readily the various credit terms available to him to avoid the uniformed use of credit.”
Marketing & Advertising Personal Marketing Personal marketing is marketing yourself rather than the real estate company you work for.
Marketing & Advertising Personal Brochures Personal brochures are usually tri-fold type letters that introduce yourself and your accomplishments.
Marketing & Advertising Networking Networking is meeting of people for the purpose of spreading business contacts.
Marketing & Advertising Public Relations Public relations is getting the media to notice you in a positive light.
Marketing & Advertising Summary: