Wiki What??? Rachel Shankles LMS, Lakeside High School
What is a wiki? Main Entry: wiki Part of Speech: n Definition: a collaborative Web site set up to allow user editing and adding of content Etymology: 1995; < Hawaiian wiki wiki quick Usage: sometimes cap. (from
Sites for creating and managing wikis PBworks WetPaint Google
What is a Wikispace? A Wikispace, in simple terms, is a group of web pages with “edit” buttons on them. You can collaborate with anyone you choose on your wikispace. You may want a place to keep information about your organization, or to easily manage your team's schedules. Wikispaces is simple enough for anyone to use, but has enough sophistication so that you can be creative and get things done.
What can I do with my Wikispace? Wikispaces is very flexible and you can do many things with it, whether in your classroom, company, or community group. As an educator, you can use your wikispace to post homework assignments, facilitate a classroom project, collaborate with an international classroom, communicate with parents or other teachers, or provide a space for classroom discussion and feedback.
Wikispaces for Educators In January 2006, they decided to give away 100,000 free wikis for K-12 education. They didn't set out with a grand strategy, just an interest in helping teachers with the easy to use wiki technology. In September 2008 they gave away otheir 100,000th K-12 wiki. So now they’re giving away another 250,000 ad-free, private K-12 wikis! All the features and benefits that normally cost $50/year - for free. No fine print, no usage limits, no advertising, no catches.
Setting up Permissions
How to Control Your Wiki Set privileges Set notifications Check page history
Wiki Permissions Public ----Everyone - including anonymous visitors - can view and edit pages. Allow message posts from non-members. Protected ----Everyone can view pages, only members of this wiki can edit pages. Allow message posts from non-members. Private--- Only members of this wiki can view and edit pages
Pbworks wiki page
Short List of Educational Wikis (Rachel’s page with lots of resources for libraries) (Diane’s AAIM 2009 Conference website with lots of Conference info)
Gather Ideas to Create a Lesson Plan You may refer to the Library Media Standards on the Dawson website also Use your own ideas or find one on the list you want to try to emulate
Play around a wiki I use my wiki mainly to store stuff for later use or to share documents with others Decide your purpose – personal or educational lessons or a library website type wiki It is not ‘changeable’ if you lock it down and give no rights as editors or writers
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