WELCOME TO OUR CONFERENCE TODAY E-learning in London: the way forward
To meet colleagues from across London To hear about developments at the national and local level To share good practice To explore opportunities for collaborative working Aims of the day
Progress towards a shared vision for elearning across the NHS in London and how it fits into our overall learning strategies Some agreement on the elements of a strategic framework for elearning Enthusiasm for this area of work as we return to our organisations Initials plans for What do we hope to achieve
Updates in the morning on national developments, including the new LMS Before lunch, a brief presentation on the London perspective After lunch, 4 case studies from colleagues across London We shall finish with some groupwork – your chance to map out the future Format of the day
E-learning in London: the SHA perspective Richard Osborn
Responsible for strategic leadership and co-ordination of library services A similar responsibility for elearning initiatives is included in the job description In post since April Based at the London Deanery. Employed by NHS London My Role
Elearning questionnaire circulated to Trusts – over 60 out of 73 organisations responded Discussion list set up Over 120 subscribers already Attending national elearning leads meetings. Liaising with national providers & London Deanery staff Have met with several local elearning groups in London Linked into work of the London Procurement Programme Progress during
Today’s conference is a pivotal occasion – your chance to influence the way forward Enormous potential for this delivery method to meet targets associated with statutory and mandatory training and KSF requirements Do we need a strategic framework / vision statement for elearning in London? Next steps
Commitment of SHA shown by including this area in my job description & providing funding for national elearning initiatives (CLU & e-LFH) We await the publication of the NHS London education strategy in the late summer Support from SHA for collaborative working and use of nationally-procured resources – CLU, e-LFH and NLMS The view of the SHA