Basic Requirements Font must be easily readable & at least 32 on all slides At least one piece of clip art/picture per slide -- be sure the clip art/picture goes with what you are writing At least one bulleted list throughout the presentation Use word art at least once throughout the presentation Transitions between slides Be CREATIVE and have fun with it!
Include a title that tells about the topic you are going to be presenting. examples All About Stacy All About My Life Things I Like To Do By Your Name Mrs. Clarbour ___ Hour Computer Ed Required Title Slide You do NOT have to put clip art on this slide.
Background Information About Your Childhood or Your Birth Story Examples: When and where you were born birth weight and height include any of the following, if they apply: 1-how you got your name, 2-any special circumstances of your birth, 3-a memorable incident in toddler or preschool years Required Don’t forget to add clip art!
Elementary Years Limit this to 2 or 3 significant events explain why these events are meaningful Write about any classes or teachers that have had a positive influence on you This information must be nice. You can’t talk about things or people you don’t like. Required slide
Friends Who are your friends Explain what makes your friendship special activities you and your friends do together Optional Slide Don’t put anything negative about anyone or anything.
Activities, Talents, or Interests You may do more than 1 page if needed. Explain any of the following: What made you become interested in this? Length of time you’ve been involved in the activity. Awards or special recognition? What are your goals in this area? Optional Slide Don’t put anything negative about anyone or anything.
Your First Year at Middle School How has your first year at middle school been different than it was at elementary school? Is it what you expected? What do you like the best about LMS? Optional Slide Don’t put anything negative about anyone.
Your Future Write about what you think you will be like in fifteen years. What are your goals, expectations, etc. Write an ending note on this slide or on a final slide. Required