Mrs. Demos Classroom Policies and Procedures
Mrs. Demos Mr. Stein Class Policies and Procedures
NO EXCUSES ! That is our guiding phrase for the year. There are NO EXCUSES for: Late work Talking Being Late Touching another student or their possessions Not working Not participating Being foolish Being unprepared
What will happen? Yellow “No Excuses” card Red “Let’s do lunch” card Lunch can turn into an after school detention, MIR, or Office Referral, depending on the offense or frequency.
When Can I Talk? Three categories: A (red) no talking at all for any reason. Independent work: Drills, quiz/test B (Yellow) students may talk quietly to each other about the work at hand. C (Green) Students may talk to each other about school appropriate topics.
The Basics Bathroom breaks the first five and last five minutes of class. Planner must be filled out to leave the room for any reason. Sign out/in every time you leave the room for any reason. Get water before you come into the room No one is out of their seat unless given permission
Asking to leave At any time if you feel you must leave the room…. First: Completely fill out your agenda Give the ASL bathroom sign Wait for me Sign out Sign in when you get back
Every day Bring the following to class Planner Pens/Pencils Flash drive Homework Any special supplies for class Binders will be kept in the classroom and distributed at the beginning of class.
Start Class Right Complete Planner Leave Planner open to be checked Write date on drill paper Paraphrase the objective Complete the drill You have seven minutes to complete this
The Team Approach More on this tomorrow. Everyone will be on a team and everyone on the team will have a position. If any one person fails to complete the task for their position the team will not be strong and winning.
Pet Peeves Gum Chewing---never never never Not pushing your chair in The word “sucks” It is all about word choice. Find another word.
June Box You are in 8th grade no toys of any kind in class. Items that go in the June Box: toys, anything that distracts you or others, books, Sharpies, make-up I open the June Box the last day of school.
Website I use the Family Portal for my on-line grade book. Open to parents later this month. Webpage---Reached through the school web page:
Supplies: Tuesday, September 6 1 inch binder Loose leaf paper Dividers for binder Pencils Pens: Blue or black and red Flash drive Pencils Post it notes
3 by 5 Card Write the following information on the 3 by 5 card Name: One interesting thing that no one knows about you that you are willing to share with the rest of us. Do you have a computer, internet, and a printer at home?
Drill 1 AH 8/31 FG 9/1 AHF Take out Parent Information Letter Homework: Parent signature on English letter due next class. Supplies due 9/6 Objective: Students will become familiar with classroom expectations and procedures. Drill: What one goal do you want to accomplish in English this year? What specific actions are you willing to take to reach this goal? (A-index cards)
Drill 2 D 8/31 Take out signed parent information letter Homework: Supplies due September 6 Objective: TSWBAT explore the team concept of learning in order to form teams and begin working together. Drill: Write in complete sentences. What is your favorite team? Please give one reason to support your answer.
Teamwork What makes a team? What is the goal of a team? How do teams reach their goal? How do you know if a team is not successful? How do members of successful teams act towards each other? How do teams act towards other teams?
Your English Team Your table has now become your team. Take a minute to introduce yourself to your team members. Tell them something unique that you can offer to support the team. School appropriate team name—Make it catchy. Try using alliteration, simile, metaphor, onomatopoeia to make your name memorable This will be the same team for the first quarter.
Team Folder Each team has a folder. Folders will be passed out at the beginning of each class. Jobs: Homework Helper, Distribution, Leader, Pinch Hitter
Homework Helper Homework Helper makes sure that an absent student has all the information needed to catch-up. Complete all the information on the yellow sheet of paper and collect all papers and work. Staple the papers and work to the yellow information sheet. Take good notes or collect printed notes for any missing students.
Distribution Responsible for passing out or collecting materials as needed. May be asked to distribute materials to the class. Responsible for passing out binders at the beginning of class. You need to get to class quickly to do this job.
Leader Responsible for reminding team members to complete jobs. Responsible for helping a teammate who needs help with a job. Will respond for the group in situations where students share what they learned or did.
Pitch Hitter Does the job of any team member who is not in the room
Drill 3 D 9/1 Homework: Supplies due 9/6 Objective: TSWBAT review basic grammar concepts in order to identify strengths and weaknesses in their knowledge. Drill: Identify as many parts of speech as you can in the following sentence. Work with your team. Category Yellow. Everyone writes the answer. The wacky dog, Toby, quickly chases the ruthless cat, Hercules, around the house today.
Drill 2 H 9/1 AFG 9/2 Homework: Supplies due 9/6 Objective: TSWBAT review basic grammar concepts in order to identify strengths and weaknesses in their knowledge. Drill: Identify as many parts of speech as you can in the following sentence. Work with your team. Category Yellow. Everyone writes the answer. The wacky dog, Toby, quickly chases the ruthless cat, Hercules, around the house today.
Letter To Myself For the rest of class you will think about your goal and where you are. You will write a letter to yourself about 8th grade. What do you see as happening? What do you like to do? Who are your friends? What will you accomplish this year?