Lundi le 18 mars
March nd week (2 week of 5 th 6 week) McCage Mon 3/18Tues. 3/19Wed. 3/20Thurs. 3/21Fri. 3/22 F 1 Days, seasons,Dates PP, Late collages, Video unit 2, 3 Show Topix (Majors are t S/b, topix & test 4 A. F 1-see scrapbook specs on LMS. Show song. Tues. Notes 140, body review, atch?v=vWqdJ97Oxt8 atch?v=vWqdJ97Oxt8 body songs, Do A votre tour 77, F 1-Wed. Notes 142 Over class terms-PP, text, body game (hangman, jacques, swat, twister) A votre tour orally Thurs. Notes 144, 147. A votre tour Time? More games for body and classroom words F 1 –Over Topix oral grade (next week!) Finish unit videoss, over oral topics, and text we missed. If time, play games, see unit videos or finish last Fri. DVD. Mon: ER review and over subject w/s, book test pg. 115 F 2 R Make-up tests today if absent on Thursday. Tomorrow if absent Thurs- Friday. See units 2 and 3 videos Re-test: Tues p.m., Wed. a.m, p.m, Thurs a.m. F 2 R See recipe pg Mini project: recipe & list. Do book test pg See FFF project specs and song.. Test 4 is 3 rd major grade. 5__famous_french_people_ who_changed_the_world_2. docm 5__famous_french_people_ who_changed_the_world_2. docm F 2 R Grade book test Over past tense packet. Finish up recipes/list –due on LMS tomorrow! F 2 R Recipes/list due today! VERBCHART out F 2R Recipes/list for 50% Finish films we started last Fri. La Vie en Rose. or see Sam video. Verbcharts due Monday. F 2 PreAP Make-up tests today if absent on Thursday. Tomorrow if absent Thurs- Friday. See units 2 and 3 videos Re-test: Tues p.m., Wed. a.m, p.m, Thurs a.m. F 2 PreAP Notes pg. 208 unit 4 Read together Show: Song, FFF project. Pick people. Test 4 is 3 rd major grade F 2 PreAP Notes Review new words 208 Verbchart practice F 2 PreAP VERBCHART out Review new words and do oral prac in text. Bor. Words K out-due next Wed. H/W: Verbchart F 2 PreAP Verbchart-completion grade. Finish film Joyeux Noel or see Sam Verbcharts graded Monday. Connaitre, Dire, Lire, Ecrire, Savoir, then DOPS & IDOPS. Voki & Voicethread projects F 3 Online F/C due only if absent. Make up tests in class today. Poems due today for 100%. Start presenting. F 3 Start Essay: Les vacances du printemps-20 min. and collect. Present poems F 3 Finish essay in class. Present poems-in class. F 3 Write final copy of essay Finish presenting poems. If time: In groups: re- translate “La Parure”…posted on LMS F 3 Last of poems to see. Finish translating “La Parure. Finish seeing Les Miserables
F 2 R 1.Make-up tests today if absent on Thursday. (Tomorrow if absent Thurs-Friday) 2.See units 2 and 3 DVD. 3. Re-test: Tues p.m., Wed. a.m, p.m., Thurs. a.m., SET AN APPOINTMENT! COMING UP: p?id=2012%2D2013%2DFY%2D2612%2D1%2 D004 Pick your 5 Frenchies tomorrow!
F 3 1.Online F/C due only if absent. 2.Make up tests in class today. 3.Poems due today for 100%. Start presenting! 4.If time: See DVD from textbook. 5.Rest of week: Essay, Poems, “La Parure” and starting unit
F 2 PreAP 1.Make-up tests today if absent on Thursday. Tomorrow if absent Thurs-Friday. 2.See units 2 and 3 DVD. 3.Re-test: Tues p.m., Wed. a.m, p.m., Thurs a.m., Fri. a.m. SET AN APPOINTMENT! 4.COMING UP: %2D2013%2DFY%2D2612PA%2D1%2D004 F 2 updated_borrowed_words_k.doc F 2 je_ne_regrette_rien_rubric.doc 5__famous_french_people_who_changed_the_world_2.docm 5__famous_french_people_who_changed_the_world_2.docm
French 1 See: Days, seasons,Dates PP F 1 and 2 Le Temps les saisons les mois la date.pptF 1 and 2 Le Temps les saisons les mois la date.ppt Due: Late collages for 70 unless absent. See: Video unit 2, 3 DVD if time. See Major grades coming up (on LMS): ?id=2012%2D2013%2DFY%2D2611%2D2%2D004 ?id=2012%2D2013%2DFY%2D2611%2D2%2D004 (Majors are Scrapbook, topics oral grade, & test 4 A).