SIGNED edition
Lindsey L. Lynx 1717 Territory Den Montane Life Zone, CO Age 5 months Food: Snow Shoe Hares Vacation spot: A nice high tree in the forest Time if year: spring (mating and kittens) ©November 2010 Lindsey Lynx & Lindsey Parungo No parts of this journal may be copied without permission from either Lindsey. This will lead to 3 years in the water and 999,999,999,999,999,999 card signings from Mrs. Jones Lindsey Lynx and Lindsey Parungo
Can you imagine being called ghost cat because people walk by and don’t even perceive that we are prowling in the bushes? Hi, I’m Lindsey a lynx cub; we conduct very interesting family lives, altering menus, reside in the USA and Canada, are confused with bobcats, amaze people with our beautiful description, and frequently have to protect ourselves. Aren’t my ears pointy.. We protect our kittens 24\7 to keep them safe from other lynxes and cats. My paws are like snow shoes.
Our beautiful description helps us in many ways. Our guard hairs can be blue or even red that alters colors and thickness depending on the season. In the summer we shed and our coat becomes lighter in color also faint spots start to show. In the winter we turn dark brown and our spots are even fainter. We have two layers the warm under fur and our guard hairs which shed water and snow protect us from icy winds. Outer hairs posses black tips on them but the rest of the guard hairs can be red, brown, gray, or blue like me.. My legs and paws are huge which makes me look bigger than I really am. These features also work as significant snow shoes, and can scamper rapidly, even though we are clumsy and the webbing on our feet keeps us warm.Our long legs propel us hastily and we jump in long strides, which helps when you need to jump trees, bushes, rocks, and small streams. We measure 18 to 25 pounds and are about 3.3 feet tall.. Our face looks like it has side burns but it’s only extra fur which makes our face flared. Whiskers and black ear tuffs keep the wind and snow out of my face and act like hands. Our unique short tail has a back tip on the end.The three Colorado wild cats can be easily confused so I’ll inform you on how to keep from confusing us. We aren’t that Identical are we? First of all bobcats are the smallest, cougars are the largest and lynxes are in the middle. The lynx appear with big ear tuffs and only a few spots unlike the bobcat. Our faint spots are the guard hairs with black tips. Our coat becomes thick in the fall for winter
Our elating family life has many unique facts. As an agile kitten I love to pretend like I’m hunting with my siblings by jumping out of shadows, pouncing, tumbling, and jumping. All the hunting practice makes me sleepy so I take a cat nap after I play. We grow fast and in one month are out of the den helping mom hunt, and we chew the bones to make our jaws strong. Mom catches our food for the first winter then we venture on our own. She also protects the eight of us vividly because we are her pride and joy even if she had to stop hunting because of pregnancy for 63 to 70 days. As soon as our eyes and ears open in 10 days, we observe everything. Mom explained mating seasons to us and she said it happens in January through March. The male howls to attract a female mate and this also attracts other males which come and to fight.. The weak male howls for another mate while the strong male mates the female after a feud. The females tell the males they like them by howling in response to the male. The male only stays till the female becomes pregnant which takes 2 days to 2 weeks after mating. The female hisses to make the male venture off her territory because he will consume the kittens. When the male leaves he mates again with another female making mating season long. Kittens are # 1 for lynx mother We break up about 2 weeks after we mate.
We have altering menus which help us keep from famishing and amazing ways of hunting. We consume snow shoe hares, which are lynxes’ favorite food, these make up three quarters of our diet in the winter. We also devour quail, mice, vole, squirrels, deer, and caribou. For hunting, we have sharp claws and teeth that we use after we stalk and trounce to kill our prey. Our whiskers tell us where our prey hides and we use trees as lookouts. We are excellent climbers and can jump on prey 60 miles down. We have extraordinary eyes and ears, even though we glimpse in black and white. Snow shoe hares are three quarters of our diet. We jump down from trees on top of our prey.
We reside in our northern habitat in the Subalpine and in the Montane life zones. Forested areas in Canada or the northern USA are normal places to spot us hiding. Mom’s territorial, so every night she strolls 12 miles around her territory spreading urine to mark it and scratches on the trees around her territory. Males have larger territories than the females and her territory over laps on to the males so they can find a mate. The females are not as picky on their territory as the males. We reside in the montane life zone.
Protecting ourselves may look easy but its not. Can you scamper away from an enormous cougar? Our coat camouflages in to ice or in to forests and we are nocturnal. Our ear hairs help us hear and our feet act like snow shoes to keep us from sinking in to the deep snow which help my predator. We are amazing climbers and are willing to sprint through a stream even if we dislike water. Even though we see in black and white our eyes are amazingly powerful. Some of our predators include cougar, a bears, and mountain lion and can run away from a predator at 35 miles per hour. We are amazing climbers and are willing to sprint through a stream even if we dislike water. Some of our predators include cougar, a bears, and mountain lion and can run away from a predator at 35 miles per hour.
As a lynx I have a fantastic life with a cool summer coat, a territory with trees in the montane life zone consume snow shoe hares have kittens every year after I mate, and can sprint 35 miles per hour. You can only glimpse at me because I vanish in a blur. I am ready for an amazing adventure as a solitary lynx. Lynx cubs love to play like a kitten. The more rabbits the more lynx cubs. We stalk our prey on silent paws.
Gentle, Victor, and Janet Perry, eds. Lynxes. Gareth Stevens, Print. James, Joyce. Natures Children Lynx 2nd. Grolier, Print. Switzer, Merebeth. Natures Children Lynx. 1. Grolier, Print. g content/uploads/lynx jpg e_Winter_Snowscape.jpg g.jpg