L ETTER W RITING S TRATEGY Ashlee Lynn, Jessica Middleton, Lauren Halifax, Shanay Miller
P URPOSE The purpose of this strategy is to teach students how to write a letter, while making connections with social studies in writing a letter from a certain time period.
I NTRODUCTION Learning Outcome: The student will plan a letter of an appropriate length to address a topic. Essential Question: Why would you plan a letter to address a topic?
W HAT ARE THE PARTS OF A LETTER ? Greeting Dear ______, Body Introduce yourself State the reason for your letter Main points of letter Thank whoever is reading your letter Salutation Sincerely, Best Regards, etc.
E XAMPLE LETTER 513 Willow Dr. Valdosta, GA February 14, 2012 Dear President Abraham Lincoln, My name is Mrs. Smith, and I am a third grade teacher at J.L. Lomax Elementary School. I want to thank for you for what you did as President and to suggest some changes that could have been made during your term. I would like to thank you creating the Emancipation of Proclamation and for your determination to help stop slavery in This shows that you really care for all people to be treated equal. You also did a good job keeping our country together during the Civil War. You were the first leader of our country to believe that women should have the right to vote. However, one thing I think you could have done different was not expanding our government, while you said you did not want a big government for our country. Overall, I think you were one of the greatest presidents we have ever had in our country. You were an inspirational leader throughout your presidency. You helped free the slaves and helped unify the Union and Confederacy. Thank you for all that you did. Sincerely, Mrs. Smith
G RAPHIC O RGANIZER Heading What is your address? ________________________________________ (Your street number, street name, & apartment number (if living in an apartment) _________________________________________ (Your city, state, and zip code) _________________________________________ (Today’s date) Who will get your letter? ___________________________ (Greeting) Body Why are you writing a letter to Franklin D. Roosevelt? _________________________________________________ What suggestions would you make for further change in America? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ What do you want to thank Franklin D. Roosevelt for doing?_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _____________________ (Closing) _____________________ (Your signature)