Lesson 1-7 Pages Scatter Plots
What you will learn! 1. How to construct scatter plots. 2. How to interpret scatter plots.
Scatter plot
What you really need to know! A scatter plot is a graph that shows the relationship between two sets of data. In a scatter plot two sets of data are graphed as ordered pairs on a coordinate system. A scatter plot may show a pattern or relationship of the data. The relation may be positive or negative, or there may be no relationship.
Example 1: The table shows the average cost of a loaf of bread from 1920 – Make a scatter plot of the data. Year Cents Year Cents
Year CentsYear Cents Year Cents
Example 2: Determine whether a scatter plot of the data for the following might show a positive, negative, or no relationship. Explain you answer.
Height of basketball player and number of rebounds Rebounds Height (in) As the height increases, the rebounds increase. Positive relationship.
Shoe size and math test scores Test Scores Shoe Size No Relationship!
Example 3: The table shows temperatures in degrees Celsius and the corresponding temperatures in Fahrenheit. Make a scatter plot of the data. °F °C
Fahrenheit Celsius°F °C
Does the scatter plot show a relationship between °C and °F? Yes. A positive relationship. Predict the Fahrenheit temperature for 35°C.
Fahrenheit Celsius°F °C °F
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