The Way We Were, The Way We Are, The Way We Will Be
Altrusa International, Inc. of Raleigh Building Better Communities
At the February meeting, Emily Johnson announced her engagement to Lynn Muchmore.
Jane Gray’s family welcomed a new arrival to whom Jane will be known as Gram, or Nana, or Mimi or something similar. What is that new moniker, Jane?
At the Alice Aycock Poe Center for Health Education in Raleigh a non-profit organization, which provides programs and resources for teaching North Carolinians about healthy lifestyles
The Durham and Raleigh Altrusa clubs joined Chapel Hill in celebrating 94 years of Altrusa. Chapel Hill hosted a wonderful party at the Chapel Hill Country Club. The theme was "your best Easter Bonnet".
At left Jane Gray gives the history of Altrusa while Carol Paquette, Sandy Reid, and Becky Lee look on. Below, Sandy Reid presents Becky with her Altrusa pin while Carol Paquette looks on.
At the May meeting, Teresa Williams, of the Durham Club, conducted the installation ceremony for the Raleigh Club’s new officers. As she read the duties and responsibilities for each office, she presented the inductee with a symbolic tool that would help the new officer to successfully complete the duties of her office.
Raised $350 for the club’s treasury. Donated $300 in leftover merchandise to Cause for Paws.
The Comings and Goings
Judge Robert Rader our guest speaker at the July meeting told us about the new Wake County Justice Center, under construction in Raleigh. The increase in Wake County’s population makes this new courthouse much needed.
Thanks to Jane Gray, the Raleigh Altrusa club found a permanent home in the fellowship hall at Highland United Methodist Church. With our new home we also are delighted to enjoy a meal provided by Two of Us catering. Look at the delightful spread
Raleigh Club members and members from their sister club in Durham (shown lower left) socialize before a presentation by Connie Inggs, director of the RDU Center of the USO of North Carolina whose mission is to enrich the lives of military personnel and their families in NC (shown lower right with Carol Paquette and Donna Kelly).
Our new motto, “Leading to a Better Community” Mamie L. Bass was our first national president Altrusa became an international organization in 1935 The Raleigh club was started in 1937 The various foundations are an important part of what makes the grants that Altrusa works with possible The Cassie Dollar rehabilitation award is designed to help people with mobility issues Beverly Hardy is the new governor of District Three Literacy is one of the thrusts of Altrusa Jane Gray orients and reorients members, new and old alike. Raleigh Club members puzzling out the answers to the questions.
Nora Casper, Community Outreach Manager, from the Literacy Council of Wake County (shown left with Donna Kelly) spoke about that the mission of the Literacy Council which is to "improve lives of adults, youths, and families by teaching basic literacy and life skills for economic and social success."
Raleigh’s Christmas project this year was to provide gifts for the Christmas Bazaar at InterAct. The items donated for the Christmas Bazaar allow the children who are in shelter with their Moms to “shop for” and wrap gifts for their Moms.