Show Me What You Know! Spanish 2 Honors
Hola. Hoy es el 2 de septiembre. When you receive your paper from last class, please finish any writing you still had to do. Then, trade papers with a classmate to correct for spelling, grammar, puncuation. Make sure both of your names are on the paper – writer and editor.
Scenario: You have won a trip to Argentina! Part of the trip will include a stay with a host family. You decide to write your host family a letter to introduce yourself before you get to Argentina. You want to tell them as much about yourself as you are able. Impress them with all that you know or remember to say in Spanish! In your letter, be sure to include: – Greeting – Your name – Your likes, dislikes – Where you live – A description of yourself – A good bye You might include additional information such as: – Your family members – Sports or activities that you do – Your school and classes – Your birthday and age