57 TH G RAND C OUNCIL C ONVENTION D ENVER, C OLORADO A UGUST 5, 2015 So You Want to Be a Province Supervisor? - Expectations, Utilization, and Best Practices"
PRESENTERS Melissa Buchanan PharmD, MSCR; Chris Miller PharmD; Marvin Smith PharmD; Greg Zumach PharmD, BCPS
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Compare the traditional versus the emerging role of the Province Supervisor Describe the lessons learned from the Province Supervisor Understand the relationship between the Province Supervisor, Assistant Supervisor and Province Executive Committee
OBJECTIVES Discuss the traditional role for supervisors Discuss the emerging role of supervisors Discuss the “deliverables” for supervisors International Fraternity deliverables Province-wide deliverables Chapter deliverables Individual Brother deliverables
TRADITIONAL ROLES (-2000) Represent the Grand Regent/C.O. at meetings Ensure constitutional compliance for the business of the province at Assembly Facilitate delivery of information to the province from C.O. Provide guidance for Assembly planning and general matters (when invited to do so). THIS ROLE WAS EASY BUT INEFFECTIVE
EMERGING ROLES WHAT CHANGED? Provinces got too big to manage Province meetings became more professional The Internet Massive expansion of Kappa Psi (first in Collegiate Chapters; then in Grad Chapters) We realized “Stupidity is Genetic” Increase in active Grads wanting to be involved
EMERGING ROLES Facilitate consistent province communication Work as an active part of the Executive Coordinate province-wide adherence to Fraternity obligations Foster inter-province relationships Provide direct guidance/development for new/struggling chapters Mentor Brothers for potential leadership
EMERGING ROLES Promote province-wide involvement in the Fraternity’s activities Facilitate continuity for new administration Provide an independent avenue for the resolution of matters when necessary Assist in the planning of Assemblies and other province events Enhance opportunities for Fraternity-wide involvement for chapters and Brothers.
CAN I BE A SUPERVISOR? It requires TIME!! It requires RESOURCES!! It demands KNOWLEDGE!! It is essential to have some EXPERIENCE!! It takes PATIENCE!! It requires certain SKILLS!! (public speaking, teaching, conflict resolution, etc) It is essential to be PERSONABLE!! It requires PASSION & COMMITMENT!!
We have a Supervisor? Dr. Christopher Miller Southeast Province Supervisor Beta Kappa Grand Council Deputy
O BJECTIVES 1. As a Supervisor, how do you get involved 2. How does the Province benefit from a Province Supervisor 3. What to learn from your Province Supervisor
G ETTING I NVOLVED WITH THE P ROVINCE 1. Back to Basics… Introduce yourself to your new Province and go to the Assemblies 2. Attend executive committee meetings and conference calls 3. Have an Interactive Supervisor Report.. Ask questions 4. Visit Chapters…even if it is at Assembly 5. Attend Province and Chapter Events 6. Prepare a Workshop
E XPERIENCE 1. Leadership Positions 2. Personal Experiences 3. Sharing of Ideas 4. Collegiate to Graduate Transition
K NOWLEDGE 1.Policies and Procedures 1.Risk Management 2.Updating Ordinances 2.Pledging and Recruiting 3.Hosting an Assembly 4.Conducting an Assembly 5.The Ritual
G UIDANCE 1.Neutrality 2.Conflict Resolution 3.Facilitator
M ENTORING 1.Positive Role Model 2.Developing Future Leaders 3.Chapter Development 4.Professional Development 5.Networking
B EST P RACTICES AS A S UPERVISOR 1.Act Professional- Remember “Positive Role Model” 2.Be involved 3.Show up on time 4.Be Prepared 5.…open hands and open minds
P ROVINCE S UPERVISORS : A T EAM - BASED A PPROACH Gregory Zumach, PharmD, BCPS Melissa Buchanan, PharmD, MSCR
O BJECTIVE AND O VERVIEW Objective: Describe the benefits of utilizing a team- based approach for Province Supervisors Overview: Roles and responsibilities Best practices Team-based impact on Province mentorship
R OLES AND R ESPONSIBILITIES Be familiar with functions of Chapters and Provinces: Ritual Ordinances Forms/Deadlines/Taxes Act as a liaison to Province on behalf of the Grand Council Provide reports on matters of the Fraternity at Province Assemblies Assist with Province Executive Council
B EST P RACTICES Communication and teamwork! Get to know your fellow supervisor Discuss goals Prior to Province Assemblies Review Supervisor’s manual Gather letters of communication Prepare Supervisor report Province Assembly Meet Province EC and Brothers Divide and conquer presentation
B EST P RACTICES CONT ’ D After a Province Assembly Tie up any loose ends (tax information, ordinances) Conference calls Determine information that needs to be shared on the call After the call, speak with each other on positive aspects of the call and any concerns General Work to provide guidance on any issues that occur Make sure either the Supervisor or Assistant is at as many Province events (conference calls/meetings) as possible Pair up with other Supervisors/Assistants to share info
O UR I MPACT ON GLP Team-based approach 100% Supervisor participation on Province EC conference calls and Assemblies Workshops in Pledge Recruitment and Social Media Awareness Friendship, mentorship, and growth in the Province
P ROVINCE S UPERVISORS : A T EAM - BASED A PPROACH Gregory Zumach, PharmD, BCPS Melissa Buchanan, PharmD, MSCR What questions do you have?