SCRAPBOOK 2015 DUE MAY 15, 2015
CREATIVE – 50 POINTS Neat, complete, shows effort (including pictures for full credit!)
TITLE PAGE – 15 POINTS Select a word or phrase particularly meaningful for you to serve as your title. Browse through a thesaurus, listen to music you love, think of special people and places and interests, and then submit several possible titles. “A Scrapbook about Me” or “My Autobiography” are poor titles because they are vague and impersonal. Illustrate the title page with the title, name, period, and date due.
PROLOGUE (INTRODUCTION) – 15 POINTS Explain the significance of your title, making clear why it is relevant to your life in particular. Introduce yourself gracefully to your reader and capture our attention. Include a brief description of this writing project and its purposes — in your own words.
Choose seven writing options from below (you may write more, but I am only looking for seven) – 70 points (Each writing options is worth 10 points each totaling 70 points)
Letter (write a letter reflecting on your senior year. If it’s to me, I will keep it) – 50 points