Chapter 14 Childhood Self-concept Development © Gallahue, D.L., & Ozmun, J.C.. Understanding Motor Development. McGraw-Hill
Key Concept Self-concept is a Multidimensional Construct Linked to Perceived Physical Competence Throughout Childhood and Beyond.
What Is “Self-concept”? (Figure 14.1) Self-concept (a value free description of self) -An objective view of personal strengths & weaknesses -Free of personal judgment or comparing to others -Linked to: self-esteem, self-confidence, competence, perceived competence
What Is “Self-concept”? (cont.) Self-esteem (the value/worth attached to one’s self description) -One’s personal evaluations & judgments of self -Ratio of one’s accomplishments to one’s potential Self-confidence (i.e. self-efficacy: belief in one’s ability to carry out a task)
What Is Self-concept? (cont.) Perceived competence (one’s feelings of potential for success in meeting specific achievement demands) Competence (actual success in meeting specific achievement demands) A hierarchical view of self-concept development (figure 14.2)
Self-concept: Global or Multidimensional? Global view of competence (only qualities that are personally meaningful count) Multidimensional view of competence (cognitive, affective, movement) -Children <7 can’t differentiate -Children 8> do differentiate
Developmental Aspects Erik Erikson (affective perspective: trust, autonomy, initiative, industry) Jean Piaget (cognitive perspective: adaptation through assimilation & accommodation) Maureen Weiss (motor perspective via youth sport: table 14.1)
Movement Competence and Self-esteem Competence motivation (perceived competence promotes real competence) -Youth sport & self-esteem -Social status & success in sport -Younger child vs. Older child -Girls vs. Boys
Cues to Low Self-esteem Hesitates to explore “I can’t” Avoids new activities Gives minimum effort Negative attribution
Components of a Positive Self-concept Perceived competence (in personally meaningful achievements) Belonging (feelings of being accepted) Worthiness (feeling deserving & valued) Uniqueness (acceptance as an individual) Self-acceptance (of one’s strengths & weaknesses) Virtue (observes a consistent moral code)
Why Bother? Security (“I am loved and valued & accepted for just being me”) Status (“I am somebody because somebody really cares about me as a person”)
How Is Self-esteem Developed? Social interactions (parents, instructors, peers) Performance outcomes (win/lose, achieve/fail, good grades/bad grades) Social comparisons (liked/disliked, acceptance/rejection, status/no status)
Movement Techniques for Enhancing Self-esteem Maximize potential for success (instill ”yes I can” attitude) Use developmentally appropriate activities (personalize your instruction) Sequence tasks (task analyze skills) Set high but achievable goals (be realistic) Provide encouragement (avoid praise & punishment) Incorporate challenge activities (make it an adventure) Take time to actively listen (show you care)
Assessing Children’s Self- concept Measurement difficulties -Questions of validity (accurately representing the construct as a paper/pencil test) -Questions of reliability (truth & lies & “looking good”) Basic assumption: the individual is the only one qualified to reveal inner feelings
Concluding Concept We Can Not Consistently Perform in a Manner That Is Inconsistent With How We View Ourselves