SimplySmartSimplySmart ByInnovators
Preview Creative: ONE card for all your spending Performance: Combines mobile currency, convenience, security and benefits / discounts / coupons / maps (?) Business Model: Datamining, advertising, merchant commission, user fees Technical: One Card + PIN / signature / fingerprint (?)
Possibilities Credit payment Mobile currency Coupons (advertising) Maps (?)
Possibilities SimplySmart Watch with smart chip and reader Portable card reader, may be it can receive RF from the stores.....and beep (like a pager) when you are close to a store that has some discounts or coupon offerings Also, you may download the coupons from the web via the reader to SimplySmart and then use it as you go....since WiFi is becoming popular in hk... s
Advantages Fast Transactions Credit Card Processing Customer Tracking Advanced Reporting Multi-Store & Web Portal Access Barcode Express Included
Verification PIN Signature Web code SMS code Fingerprint
Security secure web site card with finger print reading technology at all the stores Card reader machines that will be provided to the retailers security, privacy and implementation
Web Page description secure web site 1) Manage the cards which are connected to the SimplySmart card. 2) Limit the amount of money which can be used for each one of the cards at a given period of time. 3) Set required notification (for example, an SMS every time there is a purchase of more than X amount of money) Companies will advertise their product/services and the users may get coupons.