Kam Ganesan Sandy Hu Lowell Kwan Kristie Lau
Introduction of Transition Temperature Procedure Seeding Supercooling Observations Conclusion of Data Sources of Experimental Error Discussion Transition Temperature (II)
Compounds with water in formula Does not indicate a wet substance In the formula: X · YH 2 O ▪ X is the compound ▪ Y indicates the molecules of water
Chemical Formula: Na 2 S 2 O 3 5H 2 O also sodium hyposulfite Molar mass = 179 gmol -1 colourless crystalline compound variety of uses photographic processing antidote to cyanide poisoning slightly toxic and harmful to skin
Retort stand Test tube clamp Ring clamp Wire gauze Bunsen burner Flint lighter Beaker tongs Thermometer Boiling tube 20 g of Sodium Thiosulphate Pentahydrate Scoopula 1 L beaker Safety Goggles Computer (with software) 150 mL of water Temperature probe Electronic Scale
Set up retort stand with all necessary equipment Measurement and add all substances Attach and set up temperature probe to the computer and prepare LoggerPro program Above: Setup of experiment.
Above: Sodium thiosulphate in crystallized form
Lowering temperature below freezing point Supercooled substance will crystallize rapidly when seed crystal is added Above: Melted sodium thiosulphate pentahydrate cooling in the air jacket.
one crystal of a substance is added to solution of substance solution acts as basis for the intermolecular interactions to form upon Expedites crystallization
Seeding at super cooled state causing evolution of heat rapid crystallization transition temperature approximately 47.6˚C close to the theoretical transitional temperature, approx. 48˚C fairly accurate results 99.17% accuracy
Contamination Capabilities of LoggerPro Time Lapse of 5 seconds lost Judging change of state Condensation
Discussion Transition Temperatures Endothermic Versus Exothermic Practical Uses and Application Modifications to the Experiment Transition Temperature (II) Transition Temperature of Glass Superconductivity
change from one solid phase to another found to be when temperature stays constant after crystal added It is therefore when 2 states exist in equilibrium in a substance
Endothermic: absorbs heat Exothermic: releases heat Compound was heated until it changes state, then it is cooled Crystal is then added to supercooled liquid Was our experiment ENDO or EXO (If wrong, try again)?
Sodium thiosulphate crystal acts as a seed crystal speeding up crystallization process Compound releases heat (EXOthermic) when crystal is added Temperature of compound rapidly rises Seed crystal allows intermolecular forces to react and collide (increase speed of recrystallization)
Temperature changes include steady fall as liquid cools Once crystal is added to supercooled liquid, temperature rapidly rises as crystallization takes place
Water bath Use of temperature probes and LoggerPro Super cooling Air jacket Seeding and Crystallization
Better computer software Ensuring uniformity in heating substance Determination of liquid state Above: The thermometer probe, stirring rod and substance are crammed in a small space.
Temperature at which amorphous solid becomes brittle when cooled and malleable when heated Transitions temperatures apply to polymers or glass Kinetic energy
Superconductivity Zero Resistance Type I Type II Meissner Effect Magnetic Levitation Quantum Effects Applications
Varying physical properties: Heat capacity Critical temperature Critical field Critical current density Properties that stay the same: All superconductors have exactly ZERO resistance
NORMAL Electric resistant Current is a “fluid of electrons” moving across heavy ionic lattice Electrons constantly collide with ions in lattice During collision, energy carried by the current is absorbed by the lattice and converted to heat → vibrational kinetic energy of lattice ions SUPER Zero resistance Electronic fluid cannot be resolved in individual electrons Instead, it consists of electrons known as Cooper Pairs: attractive force between electrons from the exchange of phonons Due to QM, the energy spectrum of this Copper pair fluid has an energy gap (limited energy ΔE that must be supplied in order to excite the fluid) If ΔE is larger than thermal energy of lattice fluid will not be scattered by the lattice
occurs when temperature T is lowered below critical temperature T c (value of critical temperature varies for different materials) Usually 20 K to less than 1 K (kelvins) Behavior of heat capacity (c v, blue) and resistivity (ρ, green) at the superconducting phase transition
If the voltage = zero, the resistance is zero (sample is in superconducting state). The simplest method to measure electrical resistance of a sample is: Place in electrical circuit in series with current source I Measure resulting voltage V The resistance is given by Ohm’s law:
2 CLASSES OF SUPERCONDUCTORS The Meissner effect breaks down when the applied magnetic field is too large. Superconductors can be divided into two classes according to how this breakdown occurs: oTYPE 1: soft oTYPE 2: hard
TYPE 1 Consists of superconducting metals and metalloids. Characterized as the "soft" superconductors. Require the coldest temperatures to become superconductive. Obtains intermediate state. They exhibit sharp transition to a superconducting state. Has "perfect" diamagnetism (ability to repel a magnetic field completely).
TYPE 1 EXAMPLES Lead (Pb) Mercury (Hg) Tin (Sn) Aluminium (Al) Zinc (Zn) Beryllium (Be) Platinum (Pt)
TYPE 1-BCS THEORY BCS Theory is used to explain this phenomenon It states: When sufficiently cooled, electrons form "Cooper Pairs" enabling them to flow unimpeded by molecular obstacles such as vibrating nuclei.
TYPE 2 Consists of metallic compounds and alloys. Characterized as “hard" superconductors Difference from Type 1: transition from a normal to a superconducting state is gradual across a region of "mixed state" behavior. Mixed state: do not change suddenly from having resistance to having none (has a range of temperatures where there is a mixed state). Not perfect diamagnets; they allow some penetration of a magnetic field.
TYPE 2 Examples (Sn 5 In)Ba 4 Ca 2 Cu 10 O y HgBa 2 Ca 2 Cu 3 O 8 Tl 2 Ba 2 CaCu 2 O 6 Sn 2 Ba 2 (Tm 0.5 Ca 0.5 )Cu 3 O 8+ Pb 3 Sr 4 Ca 2 Cu 5 O 15+ Pb 3 Sr 4 Ca 2 Cu 5 O 15 [left] Sn 2 Ba 2 (Ca 0.5 Tm 0.5 )Cu 3 O x [right]
Meissner Effect When a superconductor is placed in a weak external magnetic field H, it penetrates the super conductor a very small distance λ, called the London penetration depth This decays exponentially to 0 within the bulk of the material
The Meissner Effect is the expulsion of a magnetic field from a superconductor
London Equation The Meissner effect was explained by the brothers Fritz and Heinz London, who showed that the electromagnetic free energy in a superconductor is minimized provided: H = magnetic field Λ= London penetration depth
A magnet levitating above a superconductor, cooled by liquid nitrogen. When temperature of superconductor in a weak magnetic field is cooled below the transition temperature… Magnetic Levitation
Explanation Surface currents arise generating a magnetic field which yields a 0 net magnetic field within the superconductor. These currents do not decay in time, implying 0 electrical resistance. Called persistent currents, they only flow within a depth equal to the penetration depth. For most superconductors, the penetration depth is on the order of 100 nm.
Superconductivity: a quantum phenomenon, thus several quantum effects arise. 1961: flux quantization discovered - the fact that the magnetic flux through a superconducting ring is an integer multiple of a flux quantum.flux quantization The Cooper pairs (coupled electrons) of a superconductor can tunnel through a thin insulating layer between two superconductors.Cooper pairs
Superconducting magnets Maglev Trains MRI Imagers Power Transmission Electric Motors