IB Technology Literacy By PresenterMedia.comPresenterMedia.com Welcome to the World of the IB
The Big Idea: As adolescents develop their intellectual and social identities during the MYP years, they become increasingly aware of their place in the world The Programmes of IB IB Aspires to Help Schools IB Mission Statement IB Around the World 5678 The Aim of the Four Programmes The Middle Years Programme (MYP) The IB Career-related Certificate (IBCC) The Diploma Programme (DP) Intro to IB, 5:56 Which concept do you like best within this video and why?
The Programmes of IB Challenging Students to: Excel in their studies Excel in their personal growth Develop a lifelong thirst for learning ~DISCUSS specific ways that you are challenged in your eight courses? A reputation for academic and personal rigor. ~Language and Literature ~Arts ~Language Acquisition ~Design ~Physical and Health Education ~Mathematics ~Individuals and Societies ~Sciences
Connect to IB and Connect to the World, 1:21 Students respond to challenges with optimism and open minds. Students are confident in their own identities. Students make ethical decisions. ~How are we prepared to apply what we have learned in real-world situations? IB Aspires to Help Schools To Develop Well-rounded Students
The International Baccalaureate Aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world. IB Mission Statement The Programmes Encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right. How will you help to create a better and more peaceful World? IB Learner Profile and Mission Statement, 2:53
IB Around the World Overview-IB Middle Years Programme, 6:56 IB works with 3,920 schools that share our commitment to international education. More than one million students in 148 countries study our four programmes.. IB fundamental concepts include: ~Holistic Learning ~Intercultural Awareness ~Communication Why is it important to promote intercultural understanding?
Help students develop the attitudes and skills they need for both personal and academic growth. Be student-centered, promoting personal challenge. Offer a broad curriculum with significant content. Explore globally significant ideas and issues. The Aim of the Four Programmes Go IB! Which course has the best student- centered approach to learning?
The Middle Years Programme (MYP) What are the real-life issues and concerns of 11 – 16 year old students? For pupils aged 11 to 16, the MYP provides a framework… …of academic challenge that encourages students to embrace…. …and understand the connections between traditional subjects and the real world. How are you connecting traditional subjects and the real world?
For students aged 16 to 19, this is an academically challenging programme with final examinations that prepare students for success at university and beyond. =player_detailpage&v=_nNYiKmjxwo Education for a Better World: The IB Diploma Programme, 5:52 Would the IB Diploma Programme work well for you? The IB Diploma Programme (DP)
For students aged 16 to 19, the IBCC consists of DP courses studied alongside a unique IBCC core. The IBCC is designed to increase access to an IB education and provides a flexible learning framework tailored by the school to meet the needs of their students and the wider community. The IB Career-related Certificate (IBCC) Why would the IBCC be a great journey for you to follow? Highlight the link, right click, click on Programmes, scroll down to the IBCC video and play. 3:49
New research from the University of Western Sydney, Australia, reveals the life skills and post-IB benefits that Diploma Programme graduates gain from studying theory of knowledge (TOK). Did you Know.. What students gain from theory of knowledge? IB alumni demonstrated greater confidence… …in their ability to use critical thinking skills. IB graduates outscored their non-IB peers in all three of the measures that were used to appraise post-secondary school success.
1. The puzzle of motivation, 18:36, Dan Pink 2. The thrilling potential of Sixth Sense technology, 13:50, Pranav Mistry 3. The Child Driven Education, 17:13, Sugata Mitra Reflection-”Approaches to Learning in the 21 st Century Statements of Inquiry: (Written response using a shared google doc: ) 1.Do you agree that a higher incentive leads to poorer performance? 2.Is it a good idea to merge the physical world to the digital world; to help us not become machines sitting in front of machines? 3.Predict what the research will reveal next about the self organized learning environment? ALL VIDEOS can be viewed from: taolearn.com Click on Must See Videos from the World of Ideas
Resources: The magazine of the International Baccalaureate, September, 2014/Issue 70 the Online Curriculum Centre The Art of Learning changing the world – one child at a time TED ideas worth spreading