Maryland’s Race to the Top Application From National Leader to World Class August 11, 2010 Submitted on behalf of 843,861 public school students R e d a c t e d
The Maryland Plan Standards and Assessments Data Systems Great Teachers and Leaders Turning Around Low-achieving Schools
Maryland’s Team Martin O’Malley Governor of Maryland Nancy S. Grasmick State Superintendent of Schools William Hite, Jr. Superintendent, Prince George’s County Public Schools James V. Foran Project Director, Race to the Top Application Colleen Seremet Assistant State Superintendent, Division of Instruction
Education – The State’s Economic Engine “America cannot lead in the 21 st Century unless we also have the best educated, most competitive work force in the world.” - President Barack Obama
Maryland - Leading the Nation In the Top 2 States for Innovation & Entrepreneurship - U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 2010 Nation’s # 1 Education System - Education Week, 2009 & 2010
Maryland’s Starting Point For the 2nd straight year, Maryland was ranked #1: Education Week -- the top school system in the nation Newsweek Magazine’s -- highest percentage of rigorous high schools in the nation College Board – percent participation and scores for Advanced Placement exams 4th highest percentage nationally in performance of African- American students on AP tests Percentage of Hispanic students who achieved mastery continued to outpace the nation on AP tests R e d a c t e d
Other Measures NAEP Improvement Achievement Gap Closing Decreased Dropout Rate Increased Graduation Rate
Standards and Assessments Data Systems Low- Achieving Schools Teachers and Leaders State Superintendent Office of Academic Reform and Innovation NOTE: The Assurance Facilitators will all be Assistant State Superintendents to ensure cooperation and collaboration among divisions.
Participation LEA participation – 22 of 24 LEAs 94% of high-poverty schools 79% of all students in the state 77% of minority students 85% of students in poverty Union participation – 2 of 24 Baltimore City 51.5% of high-poverty schools in the State 92% minority population Prince George’s County 21% of high-poverty schools in the State 95% minority population
Maryland’s Future Maryland will… eliminate the achievement gap; graduate all students college/career ready; and move from national leader to world-class.
What will LEA superintendents see? “My goal is to make every single person in the city accountable for the success of our kids.” Dr. Andres Alonso, Chief Executive Officer, Baltimore City Public Schools
What will principals see? Fair evaluation system for himself/herself with the clear focus on student growth Fair evaluation system for teachers with the clear focus on student growth Multiple professional development opportunities for me and my teachers Better teacher candidates from a variety of preparation programs
What will principals see? Curriculum based on clear and rigorous standards Assessments that will provide information on student growth, inform instruction, and measure college and career readiness Technology infrastructure that significantly expands capacity Better data (e.g., student performance dashboards) and resulting ability to pinpoint interventions
What will teachers see? Evaluation System Fair with clear focus on student growth Clear definition of effectiveness Clear feedback from my principal Professional Development My plan Online Instructional Toolkit Induction Program Certification System Rated effective Show mastery of professional development outcomes R e d a c t e d
What will students see? More difficult classes and assignments User-friendly technology with a variety of resources Effective teachers in every classroom who differentiated instruction Teachers planning together and providing individualized improvement plans for struggling students A diploma that means something R e d a c t e d
Why Maryland? …From National Leader to World Class