Jeopardy PeoplePlaces Battles Vocabulary Misc. II Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from H1 He was the President of the United States during the Civil War.
$100 Answer from H1 Who was Abraham Lincoln?
$200 Question from H1 He was the President of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War.
$200 Answer from H1 Who was Jefferson Davis?
$300 Question from H1 He was the leader of the Confederate troops throughout the Civil War.
$300 Answer from H1 Who was Robert E. Lee?
$400 Question from H1 He was the leader of the Union troops at the end of Civil War. He was also the person to whom Robert E. Lee surrendered to at Appomattox.
$400 Answer from H1 Who was Ulysses S. Grant?
$500 Question from H1 This slave tried to win his freedom after his owner died because his master had been taken him to live for a while in Illinois and Wisconsin, which were free states. However, the Supreme Court would not allow him to be a free person for he was not considered a person; he was property.
$500 Answer from H1 Who was Dred Scott?
$100 Question from H2 This was the first state to secede from the Union.
$100 Answer from H2 What was South Carolina?
$200 Question from H2 This was the capital of the Confederacy.
$200 Answer from H2 What was Richmond, Virginia?
$300 Question from H2 The Missouri Compromise established all states of the Louisiana Purchase north of this state would be free while those to the south would be slave states.
$300 Answer from H2 What was Missouri?
$400 Question from H2 By controlling this river, the North could cut the South into two parts, and help them to win the was more quickly.
$400 Answer from H2 What is the Mississippi River?
$500 Question from H2 Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant here.
$500 Answer from H2 What is Appomattox?
$100 Question from H3 On April 13, 1861, the South took over this Union fort in South Carolina.
$100 Answer from H3 What was Fort Sumter?
$200 Question from H3 The first battle of the Civil war took place here.
$200 Answer from H3 What was Bull Run?
$300 Question from H3 This battle was one of the Union’s worst defeats during the Civil War.
$300 Answer from H3 What was the Battle of Fredericksburg?
$400 Question from H3 This battle marked the turning point of the Civil War; the Confederates never invaded the North again after this battle.
$400 Answer from H3 What was the Battle of Gettysburg?
$500 Question from H3 At the end of this battle, the North controlled all of the Mississippi River and cut the confederacy into two parts.
$500 Answer from H3 What was the Battle of Vicksburg?
$100 Question from H4 Loyalty to a state or section, rather than to the country as a whole.
$100 Answer from H4 What is sectionalism?
$200 Question from H4 Runaway slaves
$200 Answer from H4 What are fugitives?
$300 Question from H4 To withdraw from
$300 Answer from H4 What is secede?
$400 Question from H4 Allowing each territory to allow slavery
$400 Answer from H4 Popular sovereignty
$500 Question from H4 War is waged where soldiers and civilians suffer the same hardships; food and equipment that might be useful to the enemy is destroyed.
$500 Answer from H4 What is total war?
$100 Question from H5 President Lincoln attended the ceremony to honor those who fought at the Battle of Gettysburg, and he gave this three minute speech which talked about American ideals.
$100 Answer from H5 What was the Gettysburg Address?
$200 Question from H5 This document freed the slaves in rebelling territories on January 1, 1863.
$200 Answer from H5 What was the Emancipation Proclamation?
$300 Question from H5 The South had few factories to produce guns and weapons, few railroads to move troops and supplies, political problems, and a small population.
$300 Answer from H5 What were the weaknesses of the South at the beginning of the Civil War?
$400 Question from H5 the spread of slavery to the territories, Abolitionists wanted to end slavery, The South feared it would lose its power in the national government, Southern states secede after Lincoln’s election, Confederates bombard Fort Sumter
$400 Answer from H5 Causes of the Civil War
$500 Question from H5 President issues the Emancipation Proclamation, The Northern economy booms, The South loses its cotton trade with Britain, Total war destroys the South’s economy, Hundreds of thousands of Americans are killed, African Americans have equal protection under the Constitution, The federal government is strong
$500 Answer from H5 What are the effects of the Civil War?
Final Jeopardy These were the four states where slavery was legal; however, they chose to stay in the Union once the Civil War began.
Final Jeopardy Answer What were Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri?