Causes of World War I
Underlying Causes Militarism Militarism Alliances Alliances Imperialism Imperialism Nationalism Nationalism Long term causes over many years Long term causes over many years
Militarism Glorification of armed strength Glorification of armed strength Arms Race: expansion of armies and navies Arms Race: expansion of armies and navies Large standing armies (except Britain) Germany built navy to compete with Britain
Militarism Influence of military leaders Influence of military leaders Governments turned to them for advice Each country made plans for war
Alliances Triple Alliance Triple Alliance Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy Triple Entente Triple Entente Britain, France, Russia
Imperialism Strong country dominates a weaker one Strong country dominates a weaker one Economic rivalries poisoned the atmosphere Economic rivalries poisoned the atmosphere Germany outproduced Britain
Imperialism Imperialism divided nations Imperialism divided nations Conflict between France & Germany France wants to get back Alsace- Lorraine
Nationalism Strong in Germany and France Strong in Germany and France Germany was proud of its military power France wanted to be a leading power in Europe
Nationalism Pan-Slavism: all Slavic people’s share a common nationality Pan-Slavism: all Slavic people’s share a common nationality Russia protects all Slavic peoples
Nationalism Balkan “powder keg” Balkan “powder keg” Ottoman Empire in decline – new nations created
Balkan “Powder Keg” Serbia wanted to rule all the Slavic peoples 1908: Austria annexes Bosnia Serbia is outraged Russia supports Serbia
Balkan “Powder Keg” Germany stood behind Austria Russia & Serbia backed down Serbia wants to take Bosnia from Austria
Assassination Archduke Franz Ferdinand killed in Sarajevo June 28, 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand killed in Sarajevo June 28, 1914 Heir to the Austrian throne Spark that ignited the Balkan powder keg
Assassination Killer is Gavrilo Princip Killer is Gavrilo Princip Ethnically Serbian but an Austrian citizen Member of the Black Hand; Wanted Bosnia to be part of Serbia Austria blamed Serbia Austria blamed Serbia