1861 Jan – South Carolina becomes the first state to succeed after Lincoln’s election. March 1861 – Lincoln is inaugurated
1861 April 1861 – Attack on Ft. Sumter July 1861 – 1 st Battle of Bull Run. July 1861 – blockade of the South set up – Anaconda plan in place. Ft Sumter Ft Sumter
1862 McClellan – trained troops in East – wouldn't attack. War in the West US Grant – brings the Union victory in Tennessee – Fort Henry & Fort Donaldson
1862 Battle of Hampton Roads The Monitor & the Merrimack face off Both ships were Ironclads The Confederates retreat. Hampton Road
1862 Battle of Shiloh – Tennessee Union wins High losses – Congress wants Grant gone Lincoln says “I can’t spare this man – he fights.” Battle of Shiloh Fall of New Orleans New Orleans – largest city in South
1862 Seven Day’s Battles South loses more men but McClellan retreats He thought he was out numbered. Lee went on the offensive and invades North hopes that Europe will step in and help the South.
1862 Bloody Antietam – Maryland Bloodiest day in all of American History Union found the battle plans 25,000 dead or wounded Lee lost 1/3 of his army –retreats McClellan lets him escape -Could have ended the war – gets fired – Burnside takes over. Bloody Antietam Bloody Antietam
Emancipation Proclamation 1/1/1863 Freed slaves in Confederacy only Pres. Didn’t have power to free slaves in Union Freed very few slaves – most in the deep South – Union troops weren’t down that far. Allows African Americans to fight, 180,000 sign up
54 th Massachusetts Regiment All African American – fought without pay Fredrick Douglass – had 2 sons in the unit
1863 Siege of Vicksburg Last Confederate hold on the Mississippi Grant surrounded city- cut off city for month and ½ - starve them out. Vicksburg Vicksburg
Gettysburg – Turning Point of the War Lee goes North to PA. July 1/2/ Go to Gettysburg in search of shoes. 90,000 Union troops – vs.- 75,000 Confederates Pickett’s Charge – attack the middle of Union line – leads to a Confederate retreat. Again Lee allowed to escape. Q4JjXI Q4JjXI
1863 July 13 th – 15 th NY City Draft Riots Over 100 dead over 300 wounded. ‘Rich man’s war poor man’s fight’
1864 Sherman’s March Takes the city of Atlanta-marches to the coast. Total War – destroy everything – burnt towns- killed farm animals – destroyed railroad Sherman's March Sherman's March
Election of 1864 Lincoln – vs.- George McClellan (the general he fired) Sherman wins the election for Lincoln Lincoln looking for a end to the war “Let us strive…to bind up the nation’s wounds” Lincoln’s 2 nd inaugural address.
1864 Virginia Campaign Grant & Sherman –vs.- Lee Union loses more & more troops but will not retreat Union takes Richmond – Confederate Capital – Lee retreats.
1865 Jan 13 th - 13 th Amendment passed, ending slavery in the US
1865 Surrender at Appomattox Lee surrenders to Grant 4/9/1865 at Appomattox Court House. Grant treats Lee & his men well Feeds them – lets them go home.
Prison Camps Elmira, NY & Andersonville, GA 50,000 men died in the camps from disease, starvation and exposure.
1865 April 14 th 1865 John Wilkes Booth assassinates Lincoln at Ford’s Theater. "Sic semper tyrannis“ Booth
Affects on Society - South Deserters – Confederates lost 40% of troops State’s rights had South fighting amongst its self. Economy fell apart – money worthless Hyperinflation – dozen eggs =$6 Southern soldier made $18 a month.
Affects on Society - North Copperheads – Northern Democrats who are against the war. Lincoln – arrests protesters – suspends the writ of habeas corpus – no trial Conscription – draft- rich people could pay someone to go for them Income tax –pay for the war