Early Norman England: William’s Successors Anglo-Norman Feudalism Hierarchy & Networks William I’s Empire Divided 3 Sons, 1 Daughter William II (Rufus) Character Relations with Church, Country Henry I Need for Support Reunion of England/Normandy Royal Administration Stephen Likeable, but Weak Civil War; Anarchy William and his Advisors, Bayeux Tapestry
Feudalism Feudal Structure Land Held for Military Service Patron Protects / Client Obeys Hierarchical Society Military Elite, Laboring Poor Lord & Vassal; Homage & Fealty Fief/Feud; Aid; Relief Bonds of Kinship, Lordship What’s the Big Deal? (New or Old) A-S England: Hierarchical, Kin-based Normandy: Private Networks, Obligation Norman England: Kinship & Lordship Webs of Service Emanating from King; All Land Held by Supreme (Royal) Lord
An Empire Divided William’s Lands and Issue France, England 9 Children Total Sons Robert (Curthose) Duchy of Normandy William (Rufus) Kingdom of England Henry (Beauclerc) £5k in Silver (Millions of $) Daughter Adela, m. Stephen, Count Blois North, Central France
William II (Rufus): r William’s Character Strong, Arrogant Soldier Flamboyant, Fashionable Harsh in Rule, Ambitious in Land Robert on 1 st Crusade Relations with the Church Seen as Irreligious Church Revenues (vacancies) Anselm, Abp. Canterbury Royal-Papal Conflict; Exile, 1097 Ontological Argument Relations with the Country Taxation Policies; Punishments Ranulf Flambard Death in New Forest A Hare and Bird, from Anselm’s Similitudines (Human Morals)
Henry I (Beauclerc): r Need for Support Youngest Son of William I Curthose Returning from Crusade Gets Noble Support, Winchester Matilda, Scottish, A-S Connection Reunion of England/Normandy Robert’s Attempt, 1101; Bought Off Normandy Invaded Battle of Tinchebrai, Sept 28, 1106 Robert, Supporters Jailed Character Intelligent, Calculating, Just Strong, but not Stupid; English Temperate; Political; Fertile Henry I, from the Chronicle of Matthew Paris (13 th cent.); BL, Royal MS 14, CVII.
Henry I’s Royal Administration “The Lion of Justice” Strict Enforcement Castration Royal Traveling Justices Widened Jurisdiction Extension of Writs & Acts Center – Localities Financial Resources Taxation Heavy & Frequent The Exchequer (Royal Audit) Roger, Bishop of Salisbury Royal Patronage; Stability Administration Reaching New Heights Surpassing Norman, A-S Achievements A New Creation; A New England Writ of Edward the Confessor; in Old English; Henry’s were in Latin
Stephen, r Death of Henry I Son Dead; Daughter Matilda Heir Matilda m. Geoffrey, Ct. of Anjou Stephen: Landholder, Favorite of H. Nephew of Henry, via Adela Stephen’s Claim to, Seizure of Power Death-bed; Noble, Church Support Fear of Female, Anjou Rule Character Lacked the Strong Will of Henry Civil War Scottish Support for Matilda, Anjou’s Attack on Normandy, Stephen, from Matthew Paris
Civil War in England Matilda Robert, Earl of Gloucester, ½ Brother Western Stronghold Stephen London, East Barons Eastern Stronghold 1140s: The Anarchy Tit-for-Tat Battles; Instability Private Battles; Unruly Nobility Weak Central Power (lack of control) Rise of Noble Power (hereditary right) The Rise of Henry of Anjou (Plantagenet) Son of Matilda, Charismatic, Stable Treaty of Winchester, 1153 Henry II