Prepared by pupils of the 5 A form Lyceum, Volsk, Saratov Region
a height of 142 feet above the waters of the famous ThamesThis bridge built in 1894, is still in daily use even though the traffic in and out of the London wharves' has increased to an extraordinary extent during the course of the 20th century. Even today Tower Bridge regulates a large part of the impressive traffic of the Port of London. Due to a special mechanism, the main traffic-way consisting of two parts fixed to two hinges at the ends can be lifted up. In this way, the entrance and departure of extremely large vessels is possible, and allows them to reach the Pool of London. Nowadays the pedestrian path is closed. This footpath crossing which used to be allowed was by the upper bridge which connected the top of each tower, situated at.
Tower Bridge commands wide and magnificent views of both the city and the river. After Tower Bridge, the wharves of London extend until Tilbury. The gigantic port of this city, which has one of the heaviest movements of ocean-going traffic in the entire world, occupies practically the whole of the Thames from Teddington. It is virtually impossible to get a complete idea of its colossal extention. In fact it is one wharf after another, apparently continuing endlessly. There is one way to form a closer idea of the grandiosity of this port: to view it from Tower Bridge on a clear day.
Tower Bridge
in the area of the port In the second half of the XIX century because of increased equestrian and pedestrian traffic in the East End, the question arose about the construction of a new crossing East of «London bridge». Laid in 1870 tunnel tower Zabvey as metro served for a short time and eventually became used only to pedestrian traffic.
In 1968, an American businessman from Missouri Robert Maccalok bought dedicated to the demolition of the old «London bridge». The old bridge was dismantled and transported to the United States, stone blocks built in the quality of the lining of the reinforced concrete load- bearing structure of the bridge, set the channel next to the city lake-Havasy city, Arizona. The legend says that bought the Maccalok bridge, taking him for «tower bridge» - one of the symbols of the haze of the capital. Maccalok and a member of the city Council of the London Ivan Lakin, who supervised the deal, deny such interpretation of events.