Jesus – Conqueror of death John 11:1-44 John’s Gospel gives us 7 miracles that are signs pointing to who Jesus is:- 1. Water into wine – Ch.2 Jesus brings in God’s kingdom – new life 2. He is Lord over:- a. Disease – Ch.4,5 a. Disease – Ch.4,5 b. Creation – Ch.6 b. Creation – Ch.6 c. Human blindness – Ch.9 c. Human blindness – Ch.9 d. Death d. Death
1. Jesus’ love for us a. The shadow of his love Jesus loves Martha, Mary & Lazarus –v.3,5 He is told of Lazarus being ill – v.3 The sisters believe Jesus can help – v.21,32 Why does Jesus stay put? – v.6 Our greatest need is to see more of Jesus & his glory. b. The sympathy of his love – v.33,35
2. The authority & power of Jesus’ love a. Death is no match for Jesus – v Cf.Mk.5:39; Lk.7:11-15 b. Death is not the last word –v.25,26 Jesus is “the resurrection & the life”- Christians 1. Have eternal life 1. Have eternal life 2. Have the hope of resurrection 2. Have the hope of resurrection c. Death is confronted- the Great Champion 1. Is “deeply moved” – v Is “deeply moved” – v Defeats death – v.43,44. A sign pointing to the Cross & Resurrection – Heb.2:14,15; Rev.1:18 2. Defeats death – v.43,44. A sign pointing to the Cross & Resurrection – Heb.2:14,15; Rev.1:18
3. Responding to Jesus’s love We see in John 11, 2 different responses:- a. Faith in Jesus – v.27, 45 b. Rejection of Jesus – v “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain” 1. Eternal life – United to Jesus. Death cannot break that 2. We look forward to resurrection day