The cross is the central symbol of Christianity. Christians believe that Jesus died on the cross and three days later rose from the dead. The cross is a symbol of victory over death, promising eternal life.
Basics Followers are called Christians The term Christians, means “Christ-like”.
Key Figures Key Religious figure is Jesus Abraham and Moses are prophets
Book The Holy book is called Bible Contains the Old and New Testament. The story of Jesus’ life is recorded in the New Testament. The Bible has no sacred language, but was originally written in Hebrew
Beliefs Based on the life and teachings of Jesus Believe in one God, the God of Abraham, Ten Commandments Idea of God is called Trinity: Father, Son, Holy Spirit Jesus died on the cross and rose again.
Worship Services Worship Service: –Christians come together as the Church. – Led by Pastors or Priests –Most important service is on Sunday.
Cities Bethlehem is the birthplace of Jesus Christ. Jerusalem is the place that Jesus died and rose again.
Practices Baptism is an outward declaration of faith in Jesus Christ. It symbolizes Jesus’ own baptism in the Jordan River They also participate in Holy Communion, which reenacts the Lord’s Supper.
After Death The goal of Christianity is to achieve salvation by living a moral life. Salvation is to spend eternity with God in Heaven. Without the salvation of Jesus Christ, there is hell.
Number of Members today 2 billion
Origin and Spread Second oldest religion, based on Judaism After Jesus' death and resurrection, his 12 disciples continued to spread the word of God and Christianity
Denominations (sects) Roman Catholic Orthodox Protestant –Baptist –Methodist –Presbyterian –Lutheran