Jesus of NazarethJesus of Nazareth 6 A.D. the Romans conquer the Jewish kingdom of Judea Jews there believe that a savior known as the Messiah would arrive to return the kingdom to the Jews Around the same time a Jew named Jesus was born in Bethlehem, some Jews would soon refer to as the Messiah
Jesus of Nazareth Born in Bethlehem between 6-4 B.C.E Raised in Nazareth, Northern Palestine Took up carpentry Around age 30 began his teachings Teachings similar to Jewish faith; monotheism, Ten Commandments
Jesus of NazarethJesus of Nazareth Each town he went to Jesus gained more fame He renounces wealth and possessions, making his message especially strong with the poor “blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth” Most of what we know about Jesus comes from the Gospels, first four books of the Bible. Written by 12 followers of Jesus, or apostles
Jesus’ DeathJesus’ Death His growing popularity concerned both Jewish and Roman leaders When Jesus came to Jerusalem in 29 A.D. many greeted him as the Messiah However; the top Jewish priests denied he was the Messiah and called his teachings blasphemy Roman Governor Pontius Pilate arrest Jesus for defying Roman authority and sentenced him to crucifixion
Jesus’ DeathJesus’ Death After his death Jesus was placed in a tomb According to legend 3 days later his body was gone, and a living Jesus appeared to his followers The Gospels then go on to say that he ascended into heaven More convinced then ever that Jesus was the Messiah, he takes on the name Jesus Christ Christ meaning “messiah” or savior in Greek, and Christianity was born.
Christianity SpreadsChristianity Spreads Paul the Apostle Jew who was an enemy of Christianity Had a vision of Jesus while traveling to Damascus Spent rest of his life teaching the words of Jesus Pax Romana made the exchange of ideas relatively safe Christianity welcomed all converts, giving it much greater universality
Persecution of the Christians Christians challenge Roman authority Refuse to worship Roman Gods As Pax Romana ended the persecution of the Christians intensified Romans exiled, imprisoned, or executed the Christians for not worshiping Roman gods Crucified, burned or killed by wild animals
Christian AppealChristian Appeal Even with the persecution of the Christians by the 3 rd Century A.D. there were millions of Christians in Rome Widespread Appeal due to: 1) embraced all people 2) gave hope to the powerless 3) appealed to those repelled by extravagances by Rome 4) Personal relationship with loving God 5) promised eternal life after death
Constantine and Christianity 312 A.D. Emperor Constantine was going to battle when he prayed for help…. He had a vision of a cross; symbol of Christianity He had a cross painted on his soldiers shields When he won the battle he gave credit to Christianity 313 A.D. Constantine ended Christian persecution and in the Edict of Milan made Christianity a religion of Rome 380 A.D. emperor Theodosius made it the official religion of Rome.
Christianity OrganizesChristianity Organizes Priests Bishops Bishop of Rome (Pope)