Phases of Planning and Design Jim Swartz--Grinnell College Zibby Ericson--Kahler Slater With thanks to: Art Lidsky--Dober, Lidsky Craig and Associates
Step One: List of Needs and Wants
Step One: Design Something
A Vision for the Future conceive, envision, imagine the best learning experiences for your students A description of what you want your institution to be like in fifteen to twenty years
“You got to be careful if you don't know where you're going, because you might not get there.” Yogi Berra
Academics Finances Campus & Facilities Comprehensive Planning Strategic Planning
Campus & Facility Planning Facility Plans & Feasibility Facility Program Architectural Design Campus Plan Construction/Renovation Mission Values Academic Plan Vision
Phases of Planning and Designing Facility Once the institutional context is established, planning and design of a facility (new or renovation) can begin The first phase of that process needs to be a careful articulation of the problem. The next phases are to develop a design to solve the problem.
Programming Clearly Define the Problem
Vision and Intent Summary of Required Space Site Location Space Relationship Diagrams Detailed Description of Each Space Approach to Sustainability FACILITY PROGRAM Curriculum & Pedagogy, Teaching & Research
Programming Design objectives and limitations, including sustainability Space requirements Adjacency requirements Design criteria for structural, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and laboratory furnishings systems Laboratory equipment and related service requirements Preliminary planning diagram for each laboratory and laboratory support room Flexibility requirements Statement of Probable Construction Cost based upon unit cost per square foot estimates
Facility Programming Process Must be Participatory Should be Used to Build Consensus It provides a forum to discuss departmental and discipline interaction, teaching, learning, and research. Essential for Architectural Design FACILITY PROGRAM
Programming Documents
Conceptual Design Develop, Review, and Select a General Approach to the Problem
Schematic Design Putting the Puzzle Together
Schematic Design Design of laboratory planning module and building configuration Preliminary design of laboratories and laboratory support areas, identifying location of laboratory fume hoods and biological safety cabinets, casework and benchtops, fixtures, equipment, and controlled environment rooms. Identification of and outline specifications for systems and materials incorporating sustainability criteria Update of Statement of Probable Construction Cost
Design Development Design the Spaces
Design Development Detailed design layouts of laboratories and laboratory support areas, identifying location of laboratory furnishings and equipment including service requirements for each with service fittings, electrical panels and raceways, communication systems, and mechanical and plumbing requirements clearly identified Specifications for systems and materials Update of Statement of Probable Construction Cost
Construction Documents Convert the Design From Something That You Can Understand to Something Only a Contractor Can Appreciate
Construction Documents Drawings and specifications for bidding and construction Final cost estimate
Organic Chemistry Lab- Programming
Organic Chemistry Lab- Schematic Design
Organic Chemistry Lab- Design Development
Construction Documents
Organic Chemistry Lab
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