Space Planning Assistant at Home ~~~~Shi-Jen Feng
Space Planning is Mathematical Thanks to mass production, materials used for building a house now share the same size standard. ex: 2 x 4 wood stud, 36” wide doors, 5/8” sheetrock boards, etc.
Space Planning is Regulated For different purposes, there are various laws that an architect is confined to when designing. ex: Americans with Disabilities Act, Fire Safety, Health, etc.
Space Planning is Experiential Architects and designers sometimes design according to experience in order to work faster. They follow the rules that they know will create pleasant results. ex: Rule of Thirds, Alignment, Rhythm Architectural Record
The Machine Database Standard Dimensions of Various Materials (ex: wood stud, drywall) Standard Dimensions of Various Products (ex: door, sofa, coffee table) Space Planning Examples Local and National Regulations
The Machine Inputs Floor Plan of the Space to Be Designed Number of Rooms Desired Types of Rooms Required Special Criteria (ex: wheelchair user, children) Location of the Space
The Machine Outputs Three Space Planning Options Explanation Sheet for the Usage of the Space Explanation Sheet for Regulations the Designs Follow A Digital Record of the Designs (ex: CD-Rom, Flash Drive)