Tier II Reading Goals 7 th Grade Geography
Based on a variety of reading assessments, the 7 th grade teachers have identified several deficiencies in comprehension of informational text: –MEAP – Inference, Locating Supporting Evidence –Explore Test – Identifying Main Ideas, Generalizations, Locating Supporting Evidence, Vocabulary –School-wide Expository Test – Identifying Main Ideas, Inference, Locating Supporting Evidence
Tier II StrategiesPersons Responsible Implementations, Resources, Start and End Dates Progress Monitoring The teachers will use the “X Marks the Spot” strategy to teach identifying main ideas. Persons Responsible: 7 th Grade Geography Teachers Resources: A Handbook of Content Literacy Strategies (Stephens & Brown, 2005), ELA GLCEs: R.CM The students will be able to determine the main ideas of a text Teachers will use common Expository Text Comprehension Assessment every 10 weeks to monitor progress. The teachers will use the “Descriptive Pattern Organizer ” strategy to teach locating supporting evidence. Persons Responsible: 7 th Grade Geography Teachers Resources: Classroom Instruction that Works (Marzano, Pickering, & Pollock, 2001), ELA GLCEs: R.CM The students will be able to locate supporting textual evidence. Teachers will use common Expository Text Comprehension Assessment every 10 weeks to monitor progress. The teachers will use the “QAR” strategy to teach inference. Persons Responsible: 7 th Grade Geography Teachers Resources: A Handbook of Content Literacy Strategies (Stephens & Brown, 2005), ELA GLCEs: R.CM The students will improve their inferential skills. Teachers will use common Expository Text Comprehension Assessment every 10 weeks to monitor progress.
Tier II Reading Goals 8 th Grade U.S. History
Based on a variety of reading assessments, the 8 th grade teachers have identified several deficiencies in comprehension of informational text: –MEAP – Generalizations, Identifying Main Ideas –Explore Test – Identifying Main Ideas, Generalizations, Locating Supporting Evidence, Vocabulary –School-wide Expository Test – Identifying Main Ideas, Inference, Accessing Prior Knowledge, Metacognition, Vocabulary, Cause and Effect
Tier II StrategiesPersons Responsible Implementations, Resources, Start and End Dates Progress Monitoring The teachers will use the “Quick Write” strategy to activate prior knowledge. Persons Responsible: 8 th Grade U.S. History Teachers Resources: A Handbook of Content Literacy Strategies (Stephens & Brown, 2005), ELA GLCEs: R.CM The students will activate their prior knowledge before reading a text. Teachers will use common Expository Text Comprehension Assessment every 10 weeks to monitor progress. The teachers will use the “Factstorming” strategy to teach thinking about reading comprehension. Persons Responsible: 8 th Grade U.S. History Teachers Resources: A Handbook of Content Literacy Strategies (Stephens & Brown, 2005), ELA GLCEs: R.MT The students will be able to think about and choose comprehension strategies. Teachers will use common Expository Text Comprehension Assessment every 10 weeks to monitor progress. The teachers will use the “Word of the Day” strategy and “Vocabulary Cards” strategy to teach content vocabulary. Persons Responsible: 8 th Grade U.S. History Teachers Resources: A Handbook of Content Literacy Strategies (Stephens & Brown, 2005), ELA GLCEs: R.WS.08.01, R.WS.08.04, R.WS The students will improve their understanding of content vocabulary. Teachers will use common Expository Text Comprehension Assessment every 10 weeks to monitor progress. The teachers will use the “History Frames” strategy to teach inference, cause & effect, locating supporting evidence, and identifying main ideas. Persons Responsible: 8 th Grade U.S. History Teachers Resources: Reading and the High School Student (Buehl, 2001), ELA GLCEs: R.CM The students will improve their inferential and cause & effect skills as well as be able to identify main ideas and locate supporting evidence in a text. Teachers will use common Expository Text Comprehension Assessment every 10 weeks to monitor progress.
Tier II Reading Goals 9 th Grade World History
Based on a variety of reading assessments, the 9 th grade teachers have identified several deficiencies in comprehension of informational text: –MME – Generalizations, Identifying Main Ideas, Inference –Explore Test – Identifying Main Ideas, Generalizations, Locating Supporting Evidence, Vocabulary –School-wide Expository Test – Inference, Chronological Order, Cause and Effect, Identifying Main Ideas.
Tier II StrategiesPersons Responsible Implementations, Resources, Start and End Dates Progress Monitoring The teachers will use the “Cause & Effect Timeline” strategy to teach inference and chronological order. Persons Responsible: 9 th Grade World History Teachers Resources: Building Reading Comprehension Habits in Grades (Zwiers, 2006), ELA HSCEs: 9.CM 2.1.2, 9.CE The students will improve their inferential, chronological order, and cause & effect skills. Teachers will use common Expository Text Comprehension Assessment every 10 weeks to monitor progress. The teachers will use the “History Frames” strategy to teach inference, cause & effect, locating supporting evidence, and identifying main ideas. Persons Responsible: 9 th Grade World History Teachers Resources: Reading and the High School Student (Buehl, 2001), ELA HSCEs: 9.CM 2.1.2, 9.CE The students will improve their inferential and cause & effect skills as well as be able to identify main ideas and locate supporting evidence in a text. Teachers will use common Expository Text Comprehension Assessment every 10 weeks to monitor progress. The teachers will use the “Text Transformation” strategy to teach generalizations, inference, identifying main ideas, and content vocabulary. Persons Responsible: 9 th Grade World History Teachers Resources: Building Reading Comprehension Habits in Grades (Zwiers, 2006), ELA HSCEs: 9.CE 2.1.4, 9.CE The students will improve their understanding of content vocabulary, inferential skills, and generalizing skills as well as be able to identify main ideas. Teachers will use common Expository Text Comprehension Assessment every 10 weeks to monitor progress.