Anne Boleyn A quick history of her life.
Hever Castle Anne grew up here before she was sent to France. She went to join the court of Mary, Henry’s younger sister.
Thomas Boleyn Thomas Boleyn was Anne’s father. He was head of a very powerful family. Anne’s cousins were the Howard family. Where have we heard that name?!
The White Tower This was part of the Tower of London. Here Anne got ready for her wedding to Henry VIII.
Anne has longed for baby! Unfortunately it was a girl! Princess Elizabeth was born on 7 th September Henry did not go to the christening.
Sir Thomas Wyatt. This was the poet accused of seeing too much of Anne. She was also accused of seeing too much of her music master! This was treason! Anne’s enemies now had the excuse they needed to be rid of her.
The Tower of London Anne was taken back to the Tower, to the same room as she had been in before her wedding. If you go to the Tower of London you can see where she carved her name into the wall.
The executioner’s block. Anne was executed but by a French swordsman using a sword instead of an axe. The date was May 19 th Anne wore a red petticoat under a loose, dark grey gown with a white coif holding up her long dark hair.
Anne’s body and head were put into an arrow chest and buried in an unmarked grave near to Tower Green. This is what it looks like today.