Steve Traylen Particle Physics Department EDG and LCG Status 9 th December 2003


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Presentation transcript:

Steve Traylen Particle Physics Department EDG and LCG Status 9 th December 2003

Steve Traylen Particle Physics Department Contents Status of EDG 2.1. Site status for EDG. Joining EDG. Site status for LCG 1.1. Software in LCG 1.1. Joining LCG. LCG Monitoring.

Steve Traylen Particle Physics Department Status of EDG 2.1 EDG was released Oct 7 th. EDG was released Nov 24 th EDG was released Dec 4 th –Security updates only, kernel, XFree86, glibc. Critical fixes only to be added to 2.1 release. i.e. only if something is visibly broken. Releases now reduced to 3 or 4 weeks but erratic. Dev test bed still progressing slowly, it may be used for the EU review in early February.

Steve Traylen Particle Physics Department New software in EDG2.0/1 VOMS servers exist for wpsix and iteam VOs, up again despite the flood at Marseille. VOMS information used by job submission and replica manager to determine VO. LCAS on the gatekeeper uses VOMS information. It is your VO membership that counts to access resources, not the grid-mapfile. Mass storage use is transparent to ADS (almost).

Steve Traylen Particle Physics Department R-GMA in EDG 2.1 R-GMA is working well: –Prior to this a registry dead lock existed that crippled EDG2.0. Service location via R-GMA, e.g. the RCs. Also DZero is in particular are using R-GMA to record job status and stats. MDS is now redundant. WP3 test bed including RAL and Bristol to be valuable for this.

Steve Traylen Particle Physics Department Site Status for EDG RAL-GRIDPP: 8 cpus and hosts the R-GMA information catalogue. RAL-PPD: 12 cpus. NIKHEF: 12 cpus and hosts a Resource Broker. Imperial: 2 cpus and hosts a Resource Broker. FZK: 2 cpus. Paldova 6 cpus. IN2P3: 4 cpus and iteam/wpsix VOMS. Cambridge and Oxford in final stages.

Steve Traylen Particle Physics Department Joining EDG New sites are very welcome. Scalability of R-GMA is the motivation for this and so small is very welcome. Instructions from GridPP have both been updated for EDG 2.1. – – –

Steve Traylen Particle Physics Department Joining EDG Nodes required, CE, SE, MON, WN and LCFGng. There have been very few successful installs with out LCFGng. –Odd boxes by existing site admins and developers. –Documentation does exist for this though. Final testing, debugging and inclusion done by me.

Steve Traylen Particle Physics Department LCG Status Current version is Releases are only once every 2 months or more except for security updates. Upgrades have been smooth, e.g. Cavendish and Imperial upgraded silently in a day or two. Default VOs are Alice, Atlas, LHCb, CMS and DTeam. –Adding extra VOs is fine, e.g. RAL has support for BaBar and DZero.

Steve Traylen Particle Physics Department Software in LCG today. Job submission identical to EDG. LCG-PBS job manager in use. –No shared /home with WNs. –One jobmanager per user, not one per job. The EDG replica manager is in use but SE are only GridFTP servers. No support for mass storage ! ! No R-GMA, MDS and BDII in use.

Steve Traylen Particle Physics Department LCG 2.0 LCG 2 is expected this year. –VOMS, LCAS, GFAL. Hard to find what is actually in LCG2 but no R-GMA or mass storage support except maybe castor and HPSS via the GFAL.

Steve Traylen Particle Physics Department LCG Site Status Site status is very impressive. 28 sites. Barcelona, Valencia, Madrid x 2, Santiago, Santander, BNL, FNAL, Budapest, CERN, CSCS, CNAF, Torino, Malano, Roma, Legarno, FZK, Krakow, Lyon, Moscow, NIKHEF, Prauge, RAL, Imperial, Cavendish, Taipei and Tokyo. Usually at least one a week join. Sofia and Pakistan joining soon.

Steve Traylen Particle Physics Department LCG Site Status

Steve Traylen Particle Physics Department BDII and Information System in LCG RB BDII LDAP query fall back primary lcgeast1 GIIS lcgeast2 GIIS CE1 GRIS SE1 GRIS MOSCOW GIIS CE1 GRIS SE1 GRIS TOKYO GIIS CE1 GRIS SE1 GRIS CERN GIIS lcgsouth1 GIIS lcgsouth2 GIIS lcgwest1 GIIS CE1 GRIS SE1 GRIS FNAL GIIS CE1 GRIS SE1 GRIS BNL GIIS CE1 GRIS SE1 GRIS RAL GIIS CE1 GRIS SE1 GRIS CNAF GIIS CE1 GRIS SE1 GRIS PIC BARCELONA GIIS CE1 GRIS SE1 GRIS UAM MADRID GIIS Site GIIS Regional GIISes register and publish

Steve Traylen Particle Physics Department Joining LCG (Very formal) RAL as the tier1 centre in the UK is the main contact. The procedure: –Tier2 contacts tier1. –Tier2 fills in a questionnaire for the tier1 and tier0. –Tier 0 creates a CVS directory for tier2. –Tier 2 installs LCG with support from tier1. –Finally tier2 is verified by tier1.

Steve Traylen Particle Physics Department LCG Site Configs in CVS. Central CVS at CERN Allows you to compare and steal other site’s configs. Also allows other people to check easily.

Steve Traylen Particle Physics Department How to join LCG A document exists explaining this: how2start.txt Questionnaire includes hostnames, site contact addresses, VOs you plan to support, number of CPUs, …. Nodes required, CE, SE, WN, LCFGng. non LCFGng UI and WN is supported.

Steve Traylen Particle Physics Department EDG or LCG The test beds, EDG2 and LCG0 never converged as they were meant to. The big gap here in software was R-GMA. Experiments are favouring LCG due to stability and its long term future. EDG is now over a bad 2 months though with DZero and CMS returning. LCG software is possibly easier to install and maintain than EDG but only relatively. What happens to EDG next year past February is not clear at this moment….

Steve Traylen Particle Physics Department The End