Althea Wilkinson RadioNet Project Manager University of Manchester Jodrell Bank Observatory Project Manager’s Report & Finance Report Rome September 2008
Madrid schedule Distribution of funds for next 18 months – Jan 08 FP7 proposals final internal submission Nov 2007 Call for preparations for AR4 – end Dec 2007 Audits for all non-zero finance partners Jan 2008 Submit documents for 4th Annual Report end Jan 2008 FP7 proposal submission to EC 15 th Feb 2008 Submit AR4 as soon after 15 th Feb as possible Significantly delayed by FP7 activities – delivered 03/04/08 Acceptance of AR4 and distribution of funds for last 12 months of FP6 Final Annual Report and audit Feb 2009 Final distribution of funds – during 2009
4 th distribution of Financing Amount sent had disallowed for IRAM subtracted – not enough funding Temporary solution achieved by JBO as co-ordinator taking risk on €105K IRAM repayed 80K – argued rest with EC EC have now revised the amount disallowed – still under discussion Payments notified on 16 th Jan 2008
Management activity 1 4th Annual Report –Final version on wiki, AR4 –Delivered on 03/04/08, delayed by FP7 activities EC comments received on 16 th April 2008 –Mostly minor corrections to wording of audit certificates –FG-IGN issue is delaying reply –Requires another contract amendment before October New issue of finance report sent to all Board members
FG-IGN issue FG and IGN now deemed to be separate legal entities Contract now “illegal” (though accepted during time when FG-IGN active in RadioNet) Contract amendment will mean that all IGN component of funding must be returned to EC Spain has spent all funding – severe problem Suggested compromise – funded extension to FP6 RadioNet so FG can do work and retrieve funding – running in parallel with FP7
Activities Networking Activities –Extremely beneficial for interaction throughout Europe –High demand for funding for meetings –Good way to build European Radio Astronomy community JRAs –Very successful in getting European technology and software groups to collaborate –Have achieved targets –All running for full 5 years Will report separately later
Finance Report FP6 RadioNet now apparently overspent How did this situation arise? –Spend model at beginning of 2008 too low – instead of tapering off, spend has accelerated in some areas –Multiple re-allocations make overall situation hard to assess continuously –Almost completely disjoint process of reporting and requesting funding also not helpful (Form C vs Implementation plan, left to be justified vs actual spend) –Circulation of incorrect budget s earlier in the year erroneously encouraged spending –PM had no assistance between March and August – working on at least 10 other projects – did not catch situation early enough. –Misunderstanding about use of indirect on JIVE travel funds
Left in budget at end June 2008 Projected spend to Dec 2008Comment NA Includes JIVE salaries to end+audit fees (36K). NO UK salaries. NA2 0 NA EVN symposium and IRAM school+5000 for Kriti meeting logistics NA4 7370TOG, Sept 22nd NA5 0 NA6 3040Committed to ALMA simulations meeting on 8th NA7 0 NA8 7564CRAF47 Bruxelles, not yet heavily committed NA total IRAM PdB 0 JCMT 0 MPIfR 2500 MERLIN 0 OSO WSRT IRAM PV claims outstanding EVN 5168EVN pc meeting due in November - can it be funded? Barcelona TNA total Travel claims associated with ROME boardmeeting Claim back from OBSPM and INAF Overall total Overspend
Situation at end of 2007 Given in Review of Financial Status €1,501, left to justify in Y5 Detailed tables of re-allocations by institute and activity produced Management had € left JRAs had € left NAs had € left TNA travel had € left TNAs had €898, left Plan was to re-allocate € from TNA travel to NAs and make up any other shortfall from management.
Other PM activities between April and August 2008 Angles Audit and project end MERLIN preparation for Steering Committee EC SKADS annual report and Form C STFC SKADS parallel report FP7 RadioNet proposals Mid Term review for JBO current Rolling Grant Application for two new JBO Rolling grants in Cosmology and Technology Planck post launch support case ASTROGRID issues Manchester internal technology funding issues Manchester year end finance