ALBERT JAVIERRE Motorsport Media & PR Manager
Introduction WWP Weirather – Wenzel & Partner. An austrian Sports Marketing agency that handles sponsorships in the world's main platforms. Some of their clients are Audi with FC Barcelona and Real Madrid, CEPSA with Scuderia Toro Rosso F1, BMW M, Bwin in MotoGP and the Red Bull MotoGP Rookies Cup. Outletpack. Technological partner for e-commerce that managed two online sport shopping websites: Sportunity and Roadlet. Community Manager for MotoGP riders Aleix and Pol Espargaró. Born in 1989 in Barcelona. BS in Advertising and Public Relations. Previous work:
Photography & Video
Newsletters Writing newsletters after training sessions and races. Rights-free, high-resolution photos are attached and the document is sent to the media, sponsors and other recipients. This procedure has no additional costs. It allows the team to send fresh news wrapped in a professional and customised look and feel. This system, the good relationship standing within the Press Room, and the good track performance, clearly maximises the media impact for both riders and sponsors worldwide.
Website Social Media profiles have nowadays replaced the classical website as the main information source in the internet when users search for updates about any organization. Nevertheless, a clear and nice website is also important for the global image of any brand, team or structure.
Facebook Social Network care is a must for every single organization with presence in the media environment. Instant information flow linked to live sport broadcasting is the key to reach new audiences and to keep the loyalty of the existing followers. This flow so created combines quantity and quality in a balanced mix. High-resolution photos from the inside are well accepted by the fans. The different points of view shown, together with outstanding information, create trust in the online followers so they will accept marketing actions throughout the season. Along with Twitter, the Team’s Social Media Plan will raise the online exposure of the brands supporting the project.
Twitter Organizations, fans, and Media have positioned Twitter as the fastest way to get fresh information from live sport events. In Motorsports, Twitter creates a higher flow of fresh team news than other social network. Live twitting of the results in every track sessions, along with outstanding photos, will increase the exposure of the brands involved with the team. The Social Media Plan balances the individual features of Twitter and Facebook, with outstanding final quality as the result. One good photograph is way better than lots of them thrown around a poor design. This work standard applies to all online work done for the team
Ticketing & Hospitality Nowadays hospitality programmes are part of the motorsport marketing. Sponsorship activities allow including presence of certain people in the races. Disregarding whether they are VIPs, brand responsibles or winners of a promotion, the ticket delivery and their accomodation in the circuit is important.
Sponsor Care The activation of any sponsors is key in every modern motorsport project. Marketing means something more than winning races. Brands are remembered because of the parallel universe created for them with the team.
Paperwork Paperwork and document creation is useful for sending proposals to potential sponsors. Good tools as Adobe Pack (which includes Photoshop, Indesign, and Illustrator) with creativity, method and an outstanding storytelling will help turning ideas into reality
Rider Communication Riders are sportspeople, but sport is more than just being fit and ready to fight. It also means taking care of the media at all levels, as it is known that sport projects sometimes live or die because of the expected media impact. In the MotoGP environment, the right management of the personal communication of any top rider provides extra cohesion to the overall media plan, and that benefits the team.