Renu Singh, Pharm.D., BCACP, CDE Research Interests Diabetes Self-Management Clinic Evaluating outcomes in this practice Pts seen, visits, telephone follow-ups FY patients 497 visits 397 telephone FUs Clinical Outcomes Reduction in A1c, BMI within 3 and 6 months Foot exam referrals, eye exam referrals Patient Satisfaction Assessing diabetes education in patients before and after attending the program Patient perceptions of insulin use before and after a brief educational intervention
Core Expertise Initiating and establishing clinical practices in Ambulatory Care Diabetes Hypertension Medicare Part D Immunizations
Proposed Collaborations with SSPPS Faculty Diabetes Self-Management Clinic Meaningful metrics for hospital systems to obtain ongoing funding for our practice and for expansion ED visits, hospital admissions and readmissions, cost analyses Others Assessing outcomes over the longer term A1c and BMI after 1-3 yrs Progression from pre-diabetes to diabetes