Admitting and discharging patients at your facility using CROWNWeb Admit and Discharge Patients in CROWNWeb Copyright © All rights reserved.
Background Information Things to know before you get started: If a patient has never dialyzed at YOUR facility before, you must admit the patient in CROWNWeb before you can administer treatment for the patient. Required even if the patient is a new or an existing dialysis patient. You will only have access to patient data for patients that are admitted to your facility.
Let’s Take a Look! Let’s take a look at how we’ll admit and discharge patients in CROWNWeb! LiveLive (link to CROWNWeb Application) Next Slide Next Slide (continue PPT) Questions?
Patients > Admit Patient 1.Click the Patients link, then click Admit Patient. The Admit a Patient screen displays:
Complete Admit Form 2.Enter data for the new patient, then click Next:
Add Dialysis Treatment Info 3.Enter the dialysis treatment information for the patient (required fields marked with a *), then click Next:
Add Patient Attributes 4.Enter the information for the patient, then click Submit. Note: The 2728 form requires an address.
Patient Details – Submitted! 5.When successful, you’ll see a View Patient Details – SUBMITTED message to confirm!
Near Matches CROWNWeb will search against key patient data to ensure that the patient does not already exist (near match or exact match). Near match patient IN SCOPE: Review the match details Decide if the patient is a match Admit the match or reject and create a new record Near match patient OUT OF SCOPE: Review the match details Decide if the patient is a match Contact your Network to admit the near match or bypass and create new
Editing Admit/Discharge Info Facility Editors can edit admit or discharge info for any patients in their scope. 1.View the patient attributes 2.View the Admit/ Discharge Summary 3.Click the Admit Date 4.Click Edit Admit/Discharge 5.Edit, then Submit.
Deleting Admit/Discharge Info Facility Editors can (on occasion) delete patients that are in their scope. 1.Instead of Submit, click Delete. Cannot delete the only record for a patient. Cannot delete the record for a patient admitted as New to ESRD.
Troubleshooting Some fields are grayed out originally and become activated if certain selections are made in other fields. Do not forget to fill in these fields before you click Submit. If a patient is Admitted to another facility without being discharged from the previous, CROWNWeb will automatically create the Discharge record. Commonly experienced problems, recognized solutions, and other key information.
Questions on Admit and Discharge